Hi again Sriram,
I have now read the articles and learned that when subjected to external stimuli the subconscious can indeed come to a right/wrong decision of its own volition, and sometimes contrary to the conscious thought decision. Thank you.
Now I am struggling to remember how this affects the subject under discussion in this thread!
I have already covered this in the 'Faith' thread.
You seem to have missed the 'placebo' effect and the fact that leaving it to the unconscious makes for better decisions. Ref my thread 26 above.
"It's not what patients think will happen [that influences outcomes] it's what the nonconscious mind anticipates despite any conscious thoughts. This mechanism is automatic, fast and powerful, and does not depend on deliberation and judgment.
...shown that people do indeed make optimal decisions—but only when their unconscious brain makes the choice.
...most of the decisions you make aren't based on conscious reasoning," says Pouget.
You really think these are small matters to be dismissed casually?! And it should be obvious how relying on the unconscious relates to 'faith'. And we are just beginning to scratch the surface in this area.
Yes, but that doesn't alter the fact that the subconscious mind is taking into consideration all the religious stuff that has been fed to it as if it were fact. Remember that the experiments you have told me about were with real external stimuli, not just recounted stories.
You are still thinking of the unconscious mind as just a dumb repository of memories. From what we have seen it is more observant, more careful, more intelligent and more powerful than the conscious mind. And our ego self awareness is not connected to it at all.
For you...faith healing is nonsense. Just an imaginary and delusional belief. For me.... 'faith healing' is real. I have seen it happen. And from the placebo effect of the unconscious mind, I am able to see how this 'faith healing' works.
Similarly...for you....any power superior to the conscious mind is nonsense. So...for you...giving up ego control is nonsense. For me.... abandoning all ego control leads to happiness and better decisions in the long run. I can see how this also works through the unconscious mind.
You think of the unconscious mind as 'you'. Just an extension of the conscious mind. Reality is that the 'you' is confined to the conscious mind and the unconscious mind is outside your control and even your awareness.
What the unconscious mind has observed, what it knows, what it decides and how it works...is completely outside our orbit...and understanding.
Do you get my point now?!