One can also demonstrate that children can be created without any parents' sexual involvement.
Then do so.
I mean, obviously you won't, because you don't substantiate any of your assertions. Trent pointed that out a day or two ago, only to be told that you "weren't minded" to do it.
Gordon, Rhiannon and I are still dying to know what you think were or are the "good reasons" why homosexuality was "viewed with revulsion through history and across cultures" on a thread which we know you've visited because you've subsequently posted on it.
Clearly, you're not in the assertion-substantiating business; but you can't say that you weren't given every chance.
Oddly enough, it does, Shaker.
No it doesn't.
It explains where humanity itself originated from.
This is precisely the pseudo-explanation beloved of theists that I was referring to. For an explanation actually to be an explanation, it has some explaining to do (as it were), not mere asserting. That God explains anything is an assertion, not an explanation. A good explanation - I mean, one that actually explains, not asserts - is like a chain where one link is joined to another and that one joined to another and that one joined to another and that one joined to another ... and so on, such that there's a consistent linkage, an interconnected series of steps between the beginning of the chain (the thing to be explained) and its end (the explanation). In your case, the chain has no first link, is invisible, intangible, can't be heard, can't be tasted, can't be smelt, in fact in every possible way is indistinguishable from a nonexistent chain ... genius
I appreciate that you see an intentionless universe around you whereby evolution occurred with no purpose, so you simply see humanity and other forms of life developing accidentally.
Almost wholly correct but not quite. Life develops according to evolution by natural selection, which is only partially accidental.
I do not hold to that philosophy.
Yes, we know, but your reasons for holding to the philosophy that you
do hold to are vacuous. Mine is the minimal, conservative position; as Daniel Harbour would put it, my worldview is the Spartan meritocracy whereas yours is the Baroque monarchy.
Again, you make a huge generalisation which effectively invalidates your argument. With a few exceptions, theists believe that God is the menns by which existence was initiated.
This is merely a hand-waving pseudo-explanatory belief which no rational person need take seriously, as per my third response above.
OK, some will believe that that 'means' is by means of special creation
Which is evidence-free trash.
others by a form of evolution
Which is yet another example of tacking on a theistic pseudo-explanation which adds absolutely no information whatsoever to what is already reliably known and firmly based in reason and, especially in this area, evidence. A fifth wheel on the cart, in other words: it's there but it does nothing and is just dead weight. Adds nothing, explains nothing, says nothing, means nothing. At all.
May I remind you that even the greatest scientific minds have no idea how humanity along with the rest of the life, the universe and everything originally came into being, so at best, your argument is no less from a "negative proof fallacy/appeal to ignorance/argument from ignorance" perspective.
We know how humanity came into being; as for the rest - origin of life, origin of universe etc. - I'm making no positive statement about them so you can't claim that I'm deploying your dearly beloved negative proof fallacy. Where did I even
mention the origins of life and the universe? Where did you see me do so? Do theists like you and Vlad go to a special theistic computer equipment shop down some dingy back alley somewhere and buy special theistic computer equipment which puts in extra words or sentences over and above what's written by the person at the other end, so that you reply to what appears on your screens and not what's actually written on mine? I have to assume so, because Vlad did it a little earlier and you've just done it now.
Making shit up, the hallmark of theism ever since theism.
And one more thing: