It should also be noted that, had the Americans not agreed to allow the Emperor to remain in place, and to absolve him of any blame or responsibility for any actions of the Japanese military during the war, the Japanese military were prepared, as in all the battles along the island chains to reach the Japanese main islands, to fight literally to the last man, woman and child, and the vast majority of the Japanese people were prepared to die to prevent the invasion of the Japanese homeland.
The Japanese military's insistance upon absolution for the Emperor makes it abundantly clear that they were well aware of the criminal nature of some of their actions - like the Burma Railway. Even today the Japanese have steadfastly refused to apologise for their treatment of Allied prisiners of war, hundred of whom, when the Bomb dropped, were on board ships on their way to the Japanese main islands to be used as hiuman shields in the event of an Allied invasion.
Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal, etc., proved just how many Allied servicemen would have died to win the battle for Japan. It is also a fact that, when the Bomb was dropped, Royal Air Force planes and crews, Royal Navy ships and British Army units were being prepared to join the Americans in that invasion.