Dear Jakswan,
My my! but your an angry man.
First let me clarify, I am British, so spouting shit like, oh its devolved means nothing to me, the NHS for me, as was suggested by some UKIP politicians should be taken out of politics, it is to precious.
And yes, if it means putting up taxes to give a better health service, then yes, our population is living longer and with refugee/migrant influx, we need to invest to improve.
On the subject of nurses ya twat!! higher wages, lower hours, the job done by all front line staff in the NHS is demanding, we need them to perform at their best, not walking about half asleep.
Compassion ya numpty, it means to suffer with, most politicians don't know the price of bread, they need to walk a mile in another mans shoes.
Not sympathy, not empathy, fucking compassion.