Don't be so afraid to listen to this series Ippy. The MYTH of the SECULAR
I know you are afraid to listen to the series because you are making stunted and childish comments about mass arrests and chopping wood. Ippy, get educated on your secular myth.
The whole thing starts with a mischaracterisation - secularisation does not have a 'goal' of eradicating religion. There were people - still are - who think that removing the official sanction of religion will result in it dying out, personally I disagree (I think continued education will eradicate religion, but that's another debate).
Secularisation is not an attempt to eradicate religion, it's a system whereby religion should not be priveleged in the public arena. Nations around the world have adopted it to a greater or lesser extent: I'm not personally that au fait with the state of play in Canada.
Reading the summaries of the episodes it seems like some familiar canards: everything good in society came out of religion (arguably everything came out of religious organisations, because they had their tendrils into everything, but that doesn't mean that religious thought or religious sentiment is responsible), the US was founded on a religious basis (patent nonsense), the idea that Bible is the source of everything (it's not, it's just so selectably interpretable its adherents try to lay claim to everything, regardless of whether the ideas were around before or have only been possible long after); along with some intriguing concepts: secularism hasn't led to the downfall of religion which leads secularism to need rethinking/reimagining, a religious view of the meaning of 'fundamentalism'.