The only criminals are the inhuman government imposing these degrading benefit changes.
(That's the same bunch who are still trying to resist publishing the numbers of those who have taken their own lives as a result of the Eton mafia's policies)
Jim, one could equally argue that benefits are, in themselves, degrading. After all, most INGOs are looking to move people away from an aid-dependency culture and onto where they are given materials and skills to enable them to earn for themselves, at the same time helping them to regain self-confidence and dignity. Why are we, here in the developed world, still stuck in the dependency culture?
Of course benefits are degradeing, Hope.
But there are those for whom there is no other option, being unable to earn through disability.
The government assessment process has meant that many such people have been removed from the benefits because those doing the assessing were unqualified to do so...over a third of appeals are successful (incidentally, a nice little earner for the tribunal appointed to conduct them).
Many disabled people, including many with learning disabilities, have been drven to attempt suicide in panic over these assessments...some have, unfortunately, suvcceeded.
Maybe Westminster could end their subsidised bars and restaurants, and use the money to pay for the funerals they have caused?