Author Topic: Speaking in 'tongues'  (Read 193332 times)


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #100 on: August 28, 2015, 03:42:22 PM »
I haven't read the book, but my claim about religious beliefs has always been just what you say.
So, your opinion, Len

They simply will not accept that we don't know.
Which, of course, is merely an opinion in its own right, isn't it Len.
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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #101 on: August 28, 2015, 03:52:05 PM »
But other than your own opinion as expressed here, do you actually have any solid evidence that the 'reasoning' isn't valid?
Yes. Collins - as high profile a scientist as he is - knows the stunning (and daily) success of the scientific method, but abandons it when it suits him for a method (if it can even be called that) which has never once, anywhere, ever demonstrated any reliable knowledge of the world.

So, again, you have your own opinion, but no solid evidence.
I've just given it. It's usually considered good form to wait for an answer to be given or for the other person to concede that they have no answer rather than to assume that there's no answer as a means of claiming that you've won the debate.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 04:06:58 PM by Shaker »
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #102 on: August 28, 2015, 03:52:51 PM »
Shaker wrote this:

"The 'reasoning' that Collins gives for holding the Christian beliefs that he does is lamentable. It's a truly sad, pathetic and rather risible spectacle to see what is obviously a stellar intellect prostituted in such a way over such abject nonsense".

Then Hope replied this:

"But other than your own opinion as expressed here, do you actually have any solid evidence that the 'reasoning' isn't valid"?

You've done it again Hope? Surly you're not that thick how many times do you need to be told before it sinks in?

It's for believers to come up with evidence; you must know this by now, you do get it? You must have got it by now?




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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #103 on: August 28, 2015, 04:10:33 PM »
Like I said it's not a belief that a christian or holder of any other belief has to be split, on the one hand there are religious beliefs as opposed to clear analytical thought without the handicap of superstitious clutter.
And here's the third of the opinion-Trinity who is determined that his opinion, despite having provided no supporting evidence, is fact.

Reasoned logic is just that; what other way is there to reason other than using reason and logic?
There are many who have used the reason and logic and come to the conclusion that the atheist position is untenable - some such people starting out as atheists, some not.  How do you explain that?

... why is there any need for that lot where science is concerned?
OK, ippy, where did science come from?  For instance, did natural laws and the laws of physics on which science is dependent just appear out of nothing?

Just put in Win/Gallup Atheism poll, it soon comes up then you can look at the figures for yourself without anything from my direction, please feel free to make up your own mind about the figures they are presenting.
OK, ippy, how do you square the indication that China - possibly the least educated country in the world when its thousands of rural communities with limited educational facilities are taken into account, but also has sizeable Christian and other religious communities, many of them amongst the more educated ranks of the nation - has the highest figure of convinced atheists, with your claim that it is with education that religious belief dies out.  Remember too that most of the Chinese of our age would have had any religious belief that they might have had drummed out of them by the agents of Mao, thus skewing the figues in regard to atheism - the 'state religion' as it were.

Psychology used to be a B A degree or something like that it now comes as a BSC a science degree that being so where is there any need for religion in any of the science based reasonings if we did need religion there surly there must be a place for Tarot and other things like Astrology too.
Not quite sure of your point(s) here.  There are a whole host of subjects that used to be regarded as Humanity disciplines, but are now regarded as Science disciplines.  Maths and Physics are two good historical examples!!

The way I see it is that there is no wedge as you call it between science and religion, science can do all of the reasoning they can manage to do without a need for superstitions of any kind, call them what you like religions superstitions, unexplained magic tricks etc, in fact science is more likely to prove or disprove these things more than anything else is likely to.

I would agree whole-heartedly with you, ippy.  Science doesn't need superstition, but sometimes requires what you call 'unexplained magic tricks' (such as so-called 'spontaneous healings' which have absolutely no medical or scientific explanations, yet are widely documented in medical records).  But then, nor does religious belief.  You (and others) like to call it 'superstition' and 'magic' because that allows you to dismiss it as fantasy rather than confronting it for what it is; something beyond the physical and physically evidence-able.

It's like the preference to use euphemisms rather than the real word; passing on, passing over, gone to glory, left this life, pushing up daisies, resting in peace, six feet under, ... I could go on, but there are probably about 100 ( and listing them would take for ever.
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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #104 on: August 28, 2015, 04:15:59 PM »
You've done it again Hope? Surly you're not that thick how many times do you need to be told before it sinks in?

It's for believers to come up with evidence; you must know this by now, you do get it? You must have got it by now?

ippy, Shaker came up with a claim concerning a person's written documentation.  He claims that "It's a truly sad, pathetic and rather risible spectacle to see what is obviously a stellar intellect prostituted in such a way over such abject nonsense". As I am sure you would agree that there is no scientifically provable evidence in that jumble of emotional phraseology.  I have, quite legitimately asked him for the scientific evidence to support that claim.  It is not for me, as a religious person, to attempt to explain what is clearly an emotional claim on Shaker's part.
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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #105 on: August 28, 2015, 04:16:48 PM »
You (and others) like to call it 'superstition' and 'magic' because that allows you to dismiss it as fantasy rather than confronting it for what it is; something beyond the physical and physically evidence-able.
Your evidence for the assertion that there is anything beyond the physical and physically evidence-able is what, precisely? What method are you using to ascertain the existence of this something?
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #106 on: August 28, 2015, 04:26:21 PM »
Where we disagree with Ippy is not what science establishes but his peculiar belief that that means God is somehow disproved by the findings of science.
I think that the problem is that folk like ippy believe that there is a dichotomy between science and faith that is unbridgeable, meaning of course that all those scientists who have a faith are schizophrenic.

Of course, they are entitled to hold such a belief, but as they are so keen to point on this board, belief in something doesn't guarantee that it is correct.

It's not a belief that there is a need to be schizophrenic if you're a scientist and at the same time be a religious believer, it's just a sensible/reasonable conclusion that of course can be challenged any time.

There is no dichotomy, science is based on logic/reason, any kind of religion you might like to name isn't.

You've said some terrible things about, gay people on this forum, I feel certain they're not your own views, they are the views that you've let yourself be dictated to by your bronze age manual; what are your own views if you had the strength of character to disregard that so obviously man made bronze age manual you so sheepishly follow.

Have a look at that Win/Gallup Atheism poll figures on how many scientists are believers the figures tell all.

The more educated people are bears a direct relation to the falling away of primitive beliefs like your religious belief, (if you do decide to have a look at the figures you'll be seeing them for yourself, not via myself and when you do see how much religious belief falls off in relation to the levels of education, have a good think, why are you so hook line and sinker where you are).   

How many of these atheist scientists believe you have to be an atheist to be a scientist?

Firstly there is that group of scientist/autist so brilliantly observed in the Big Bang theory.

Secondly there is a class of scientist who has slipped into thinking that what they do and how they do it is the way the world is and how life should be done...Brilliant scientists but probably shit at everything else.

But then there are scientists who recognise there atheism for what it opinion.

The days of Yuri Gagarin going into space and reinforcing the state message that because he didn't see God in space, there wasn't a God are over but obviously there are a few proletariat still willing to drink in what certain scientists feed them.

For those I would recommend Bibledex on Youtube produced by the University of Nottingham.

All I can tell you Big W is that If you go for, "Win/Gallup Atheism poll", on google, you can look at the figures for yourself, I found the poll came up with ease on google, with as above, in no time.

Yes and I've explained them:
Over inflated view of the capabilities of their own profession.

To which one could add peer pressure.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #107 on: August 28, 2015, 04:29:38 PM »
Vlad: quoting - learn how to do it, for crying out loud.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #108 on: August 28, 2015, 04:30:23 PM »
Yes. Collins - as high profile a scientist as he is - knows the stunning (and daily) success of the scientific method, but abandons it when it suits him for a method (if it can even be called that) which has never once, anywhere, ever demonstrated any reliable knowledge of the world.
Again, your own opinion, Shaker.  Just in case you have missed some the stuff in the Bible, how many psychological and even physiological principles are built on tenets laid out in religious texts - for instance: everything in moderation, do as you would be done by, try, try, try again, ...

I've just given it.

It's usually considered good form to wait for an answer to be given or for the other person to concede that they have no answer rather than to assume that there's no answer as a means of claiming that you've won the debate.
It's also considered good form - or at least a lot of posts here are predicated on the idea that if you haven't provided the evidence alongside your argument than it doesn't exist.  For instance, you have asked me several times to lay out my evidence for a comment I made about homosexuality about a fortnight ago.  In the interim, in addition to working on 4 job applications and a number of other 'work-related' matters that have nothing to do with this forum, I have been trying to pull up old threads and posts from the archives, both of this and other forums, where the likes of Jim, Alien and myself have laid out these same arguments before.  But, oh no, you originally wanted the answer within minutes, and made it clear that my not providing it showed that it didn't exist.

I curreewntly have 2 sides of A4 of notes from this exercise.  Don't worry, I won't cut and paste it all, I'll summarise and condense it to headings if necessary.
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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #109 on: August 28, 2015, 04:31:03 PM »
Vlad: quoting - learn how to do it, for crying out loud.
My apologies to everyone except Shaker.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #110 on: August 28, 2015, 04:38:02 PM »
Again, your own opinion, Shaker.  Just in case you have missed some the stuff in the Bible, how many psychological and even physiological principles are built on tenets laid out in religious texts - for instance: everything in moderation, do as you would be done by, try, try, try again, ...
These also are merely opinions.

For instance, you have asked me several times to lay out my evidence for a comment I made about homosexuality about a fortnight ago.  In the interim, in addition to working on 4 job applications and a number of other 'work-related' matters that have nothing to do with this forum, I have been trying to pull up old threads and posts from the archives, both of this and other forums, where the likes of Jim, Alien and myself have laid out these same arguments before.
Not my problem, so I don't need to hear about it.
But, oh no, you originally wanted the answer within minutes, and made it clear that my not providing it showed that it didn't exist.
It has been conspicuous by its absence, as is the substantiation of your claim that I have deployed the negative proof fallacy more than you. These are just a couple of immediately notable examples; I am in no doubt that even a cursory trawl back through your recent posting history will unearth even more.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #111 on: August 28, 2015, 04:45:28 PM »
Your evidence for the assertion that there is anything beyond the physical and physically evidence-able is what, precisely? What method are you using to ascertain the existence of this something?
I am basing my thinking on the fact that, within academia, there are fields of study that don't require scientific evidence in order to exist.  For instance, I don't know what art you like but let's say, for sake of argument, you are a Picasso-loving Cubist and ippy is a Monet-loving impressionist.  Do you have any scientific way of explaining that your love of cubism is better than ippy's impressionism?

Or, do you have any scientific means of explaining why Jo Bloggs, having lain in a vegetative state for 20+ years suddenly comes out of it with remarkably limited brain damage even though there has been no medical, as opposed to simply drip-feeding and bottle-darining of waste products intervention for several years?  Such things have happened and doctors hgave recorded them and even written papers on them for journals like the Lancet.
Are your, or your friends'/relatives', garages, lofts or sheds full of unused DIY gear, sewing/knitting machines or fabric and haberdashery stuff?

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #112 on: August 28, 2015, 04:48:40 PM »
These also are merely opinions.
Tu quoque, to quote others.

Not my problem, so I don't need to hear about it.
So, I don't need to post it, then?  When I do, can I be sure that you won't be commenting on any of the points if, as you say "Not my problem, so I don't need to hear about it".   ;)

I am in no doubt that even a cursory trawl back through your recent posting history will unearth even more.
Go on then.
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Nearly Sane

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #113 on: August 28, 2015, 04:54:14 PM »
Your evidence for the assertion that there is anything beyond the physical and physically evidence-able is what, precisely? What method are you using to ascertain the existence of this something?
I am basing my thinking on the fact that, within academia, there are fields of study that don't require scientific evidence in order to exist.  For instance, I don't know what art you like but let's say, for sake of argument, you are a Picasso-loving Cubist and ippy is a Monet-loving impressionist.  Do you have any scientific way of explaining that your love of cubism is better than ippy's impressionism?
So god is like my liking of marmite - entirely subjective and not a claim about reality?


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #114 on: August 28, 2015, 05:07:05 PM »
I am basing my thinking on the fact that, within academia, there are fields of study that don't require scientific evidence in order to exist.  For instance, I don't know what art you like but let's say, for sake of argument, you are a Picasso-loving Cubist and ippy is a Monet-loving impressionist.  Do you have any scientific way of explaining that your love of cubism is better than ippy's impressionism?

I'm aways delighted whenever somebody compares religious belief to the aesthetic sense - to a feeling for visual art or music or poetry; delighted partly because it's such an easy argument to refute and partly because those who try to mount this argument are clearly unaware of the implications and ramifications for religious belief if pursued to its logical conclusion. That conclusion is that if religious belief is a matter of individual taste and subjective opinion, there is absolutely no ground for anyone else to take it even remotely seriously. Of course, what happens more often than not in actual practice is that few believers treat their religion in this way. Rather than a personal inclination, most take it very seriously indeed as purporting to talk about actual states of affairs - things that really do (to them) exist and events that really did (to them) occur. The resurrection, for example. Apart from a small minority of very liberally-minded believers, for most the articles of their faith - certainly the irreducible core, such as the resurrection for Christians - purport to be real and true descriptions of actual states of affairs, not even remotely comparable to a liking for marzipan or an aversion to death metal.

I can categorically state that the members of ISIS today, acting as they do as Christians did in the Middle Ages, do not do what they do on the basis that their beliefs are subjective opinions which are 'true for them.' This is typical. Even though Christianity has, thank goodness, largely had its teeth comprehensively pulled, every time that some bishop or other stands up to denounce equal marriage or abortion or stem cell research, he's not merely expressing a personal opinion: he's trying to sway the debate in his favour by appealing to what he thinks, on no grounds at all, are objective truths. They have to do this, because nobody can sway a debate or enforce their beliefs on others merely on the basis of opinion. People would, quite rightly, turn round and tell such individuals to piss off and take their opinions with them; it's one of the best features of the modern world that with religious 'authorities' people are increasingly doing this, as we saw in Ireland back in May for instance.

So no, there is no scientific means of establishing why Tim's preference for Pam Ayres is objectively better (or worse) than Tom's preference for Ezra Pound. There doesn't have to be, when most people regard these as matters of indvidual taste, preference and wholly subjective opinion - all the things that religionists generally do not say of their chosen religion. If you want to consider your adherence to your religion to be on the same footing as - to use NS's example - a liking for Marmite, I'd be only too delighted to agree. Only, if you want to go down that particular road, you'll have absolutely no basis for trying to convince anyone that your religion's ridiculous claims are true.

Personal opinion or objective truth - one or the other; it can't be both. So which will it be today?

ETA: While I was writing I see that Nearly Sane has just made precisely the same point in #124.

Or, do you have any scientific means of explaining why Jo Bloggs, having lain in a vegetative state for 20+ years suddenly comes out of it with remarkably limited brain damage even though there has been no medical, as opposed to simply drip-feeding and bottle-darining of waste products intervention for several years?  Such things have happened and doctors hgave recorded them and even written papers on them for journals like the Lancet.
Statistics. Given a big enough sample size - I'd say seven billion should do it - and such a thing is bound to happen.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 06:31:03 PM by Shaker »
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #115 on: August 28, 2015, 05:12:34 PM »
So, I don't need to post it, then?  When I do, can I be sure that you won't be commenting on any of the points if, as you say "Not my problem, so I don't need to hear about it".   ;)
I was referring to your job applications and other trivia as not being my problem and something I don't need to hear about.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #116 on: August 28, 2015, 05:15:08 PM »
So god is like my liking of marmite - entirely subjective and not a claim about reality?
Aren't Cubism and impressionism expressions of reality?
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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #117 on: August 28, 2015, 05:32:20 PM »
You've done it again Hope? Surly you're not that thick how many times do you need to be told before it sinks in?

It's for believers to come up with evidence; you must know this by now, you do get it? You must have got it by now?

ippy, Shaker came up with a claim concerning a person's written documentation.  He claims that "It's a truly sad, pathetic and rather risible spectacle to see what is obviously a stellar intellect prostituted in such a way over such abject nonsense". As I am sure you would agree that there is no scientifically provable evidence in that jumble of emotional phraseology.  I have, quite legitimately asked him for the scientific evidence to support that claim.  It is not for me, as a religious person, to attempt to explain what is clearly an emotional claim on Shaker's part.

Any way anyone conveys atheism does not need to supply any evidence, it's not necessary, as you should know by now.



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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #118 on: August 28, 2015, 06:08:13 PM »
Your evidence for the assertion that there is anything beyond the physical and physically evidence-able is what, precisely? What method are you using to ascertain the existence of this something?
I am basing my thinking on the fact that, within academia, there are fields of study that don't require scientific evidence in order to exist.  For instance, I don't know what art you like but let's say, for sake of argument, you are a Picasso-loving Cubist and ippy is a Monet-loving impressionist.  Do you have any scientific way of explaining that your love of cubism is better than ippy's impressionism?

Or, do you have any scientific means of explaining why Jo Bloggs, having lain in a vegetative state for 20+ years suddenly comes out of it with remarkably limited brain damage even though there has been no medical, as opposed to simply drip-feeding and bottle-darining of waste products intervention for several years?  Such things have happened and doctors hgave recorded them and even written papers on them for journals like the Lancet.

Evolution relies on all sorts of quirks of nature that assist with survival which without going into all of the evlutionary details, evolutions reliance on quirks; the quirk of someone coming out of a vegative state would be just that, a quirk, which can be from any number of chance happenings that have come together and this chap comes out of a vegative state, no need for MrMagic to put in an attendance.

How can you prove that a Mr Magic had anything to do with this fortunate persons recovery, you can't, the chance happening of several factors leading to this person recovering is far more likely, in fact very likely.

By the by I'm more Picasso than Monet although there's nothing wrong with Monet's works.



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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #119 on: August 28, 2015, 06:18:10 PM »
Any way anyone conveys atheism does not need to supply any evidence, it's not necessary, as you should know by now.

OK, if you were asked to appear before a community meeting somewhere and had to give a case for atheism, as opposed to secularism, are you saying that you wouldn't say a word?
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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #120 on: August 28, 2015, 06:25:23 PM »
Evolution relies on all sorts of quirks of nature that assist with survival which without going into all of the evlutionary details, evolutions reliance on quirks; the quirk of someone coming out of a vegative state would be just that, a quirk, which can be from any number of chance happenings that have come together and this chap comes out of a vegative state, no need for MrMagic to put in an attendance.
That's a very convenient way of thinking, ippy.  Inexplicable quirks occur in order to clear up issues that evolution has got wrong?  Accidental quirks occur when something inexplicable occurs.

How can you prove that a Mr Magic had anything to do with this fortunate persons recovery, you can't, the chance happening of several factors leading to this person recovering is far more likely, in fact very likely.
Not quite sure how you got from the idea that reality occurs outside of the parameters of scientific naturalism to the existence of a Mr Magic (whoever that might be - is it another of your euphemistic characters that help you to avoid reality  ;) )

By the by I'm more Picasso than Monet although there's nothing wrong with Monet's works.
Just for Shaker's benefit, is there any scientific reason why you prefer Picasso's Cubism to Monet's Impressionism?
Are your, or your friends'/relatives', garages, lofts or sheds full of unused DIY gear, sewing/knitting machines or fabric and haberdashery stuff?

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Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #121 on: August 28, 2015, 10:44:43 PM »
No, according to how we use the term - exitence presupposes this, it's shaped by it. If you want to posit a concept of existence that does not have a time part of it feel free to do so.
In case you hadn't noticed, one has been posited on a number of occasions.  In order to have created the universe and all that is within it - including time - God must have been just what you have asked for.
So I can posit a four sided triangle and that will make sense? If it doesn't then the same issue applies to existence without a concept of time.
I see what you did there, you mentioned something logically not possible and hoped some of it's ridiculousness would rub off. There is no obvious link between time and existence that just seems to be an assumption drawn from philosophical naturalism. Perhaps you would like to show your working out.

Walt Zingmatilder

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #122 on: August 28, 2015, 11:32:31 PM »
You've done it again Hope? Surly you're not that thick how many times do you need to be told before it sinks in?

It's for believers to come up with evidence; you must know this by now, you do get it? You must have got it by now?

ippy, Shaker came up with a claim concerning a person's written documentation.  He claims that "It's a truly sad, pathetic and rather risible spectacle to see what is obviously a stellar intellect prostituted in such a way over such abject nonsense". As I am sure you would agree that there is no scientifically provable evidence in that jumble of emotional phraseology.  I have, quite legitimately asked him for the scientific evidence to support that claim.  It is not for me, as a religious person, to attempt to explain what is clearly an emotional claim on Shaker's part.

Any way anyone conveys atheism does not need to supply any evidence, it's not necessary, as you should know by now.

Let me help you out here Ippy.
What is it we're not supposed to believe in? And why?

Nearly Sane

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #123 on: August 29, 2015, 07:41:14 AM »
No, according to how we use the term - exitence presupposes this, it's shaped by it. If you want to posit a concept of existence that does not have a time part of it feel free to do so.
In case you hadn't noticed, one has been posited on a number of occasions.  In order to have created the universe and all that is within it - including time - God must have been just what you have asked for.
So I can posit a four sided triangle and that will make sense? If it doesn't then the same issue applies to existence without a concept of time.
I see what you did there, you mentioned something logically not possible and hoped some of it's ridiculousness would rub off. There is no obvious link between time and existence that just seems to be an assumption drawn from philosophical naturalism. Perhaps you would like to show your working out.

Except there is am obvious link between time and existence since it is at statement about something being. This has a built in statement about time as indeed all our language on this does.

It is exactly the same as the four sided triangle because a non temporal existence is definitionallly contradictory. Merely waving your hands and saying of course non temporal existence makes sense is the equivalent of waggling your pink painted arse and saying of course you can have a four sided triangle.

Leonard James

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Re: Speaking in 'tongues'
« Reply #124 on: August 29, 2015, 07:47:47 AM »
Merely waving your hands and saying of course non temporal existence makes sense is the equivalent of waggling your pink painted arse and saying of course you can have a four sided triangle.

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Oh dearie me, man, how do you think up these side-splitting analogies?