Dear Captain Carrot,
Yes I suppose you need to be slightly weird to be a fan of Discworld, I remember when I first read the Colour of Magic I knew I had found something that clicked with me.
I am not a fan of Science Fiction or I suppose Science Fantasy ( what is the Genre for Discworld ) and what Pratchett was doing ( I think ) from the start was taking the mickey.
All the characters for me are a explosion of old stereotypes, trolls on discworld are made of stone and very thick but Pratchett gave them personalities, the King of Trolls ( "him Diamond", graffiti on the walls of Ankh Morpork ) made from pure diamond and very very intelligent.
I could talk for hours about Discworld, Sir Terry Pratchett the cheerful atheist, his books were loaded with religion, he laughed at all religions but in a very respectful, honest and very open minded way.
My favourite discworld book Carpe Jugulum, we were introduced to Pastor Oats a very timid and troubled Priest of Om, at the time of great trouble he found his religious book saved a life and brought light to his surrounding area, it also kept Death away, okay he did burn the book to keep him and Granny Weatherwax warm, but this was Pratchett at his best, he made you think about life and its absurdities.
Pastor Oats went on to be a great Bishop, his holy symbol, a two headed axe, a real two headed axe.