I don't mind them coming here as long as they go to Cameron's constituency and stay in the houses of all the multimillionaire elites for life.
So you aren't moved by the sheer inhumanity of what is happening, Jack, if trite comments are all you can manage.
A fellow Scotsman said this a while back, and the last two lines still ring true today.
Many and sharp the num'rous ills
Inwoven with our frame!
More pointed still we make ourselves
Regret, remorse, and shame!
And man, whose heav'n-erected face
The smiles of love adorn, –
Man's inhumanity to man
Makes countless thousands mourn!
There are 7 billion people on this planet and that in itself is killing this planet and hence mankind. These people; all people, breed like rats and don't consider this consequence. What is the point of saving anyone if all it will do is encourage them to breed even more and hence drive us further into the mire?
So it is hard for me to really feel much for such people; or any people, though I'm not totally heartless and I can understand their many peoples' plights.
What I tend to focus on are the powerful; that just seems to be my nature, and as such those who have caused this mess i.e. western governments and powers, and who have got away with murder. This whole mess has come about because the western powers have for decades looked after their own in loading the trade dice. The EU has trade tariffs which make it near impossible for, say African countries, to trade fairly and sell their goods in the EU. We then take their best people to prop up our needs like their doctors, nurses etc., which impoverishes them further, and then pour in our 'aid' (waving the moral flag to show how great we are) as cheap food so taking their local produce out of the market equation so bankrupting their own industries and so forth. This 'aid' comes with strings attached and is used as a propaganda tool to preach the western way of life. The West often tries to have pro-West leaders/dictators in such countries who often are paid off and as such do not help their people and so wars and conflicts breakout. All these issues are used to control them for they have to basically beg or be sycophantic towards the west, just as people on benefits can be controlled in a similar way, hence the Lefties desire to give hand outs to the poor; to mother them in the bad sense. Because of all this we, that includes the person in the street in the western world as well as the other countries not counted as part of the western world, have no rule of law - international law is far from impartial!!!
None of this mass immigration that is going on now would have occurred if trade had been fair and reasonable and we hadn't had the nutters Bush and Blair to blunder into Iraq, to just to name an obvious case.