Kim Davis will be back at work on Monday. Just so you all know, Davis is a DEMOCRAT and the judge that sent her to jail is a REPUBLICAN.
Yes, I consider the power and position of the presidency as having a lot of influence as to where things stand with the gay marriage thingy. No, of course Obama didn't sit down and write a gar marriage law. I shouldn't have stated it that way, of course I always shouldn't take for granted that people in the UK will get how things work behind the scenes in Washington.
Obama flip flopped on the gay marriage thingy and the Vice president kinda forced his hand. So on his second inaugural speech, Obama made clear that he now supports same sex marriage. Later he tossed in his support for the case in California, challenging that state's ban on same sex marriage. Believe it or not the pres and vice pres positions hold a lot of sway. Some judges sit there and think, now who appointed me here? Just like our senate and your Lords kinda.