Sorry, Prof, I disagree.
While I agree with Margo on assisted dying (against the SNP, btw), I don't agree that this is a UK matter.
The powers that allow us to formulate our own policy have been devolved.
There is already a well trodden path from Scotland to Switzerland, I'm afraid. I fervently wish it were otherwise, and that those who could not stand the unendurable agony of a pain-filled existance could end their lives at their choosing, in a place of their choosing.
I fail to see what the decision of Westminster's parliiament would mean, were they enlightend enough to have voted for the bill; other than a shortened journey for those determined to have the right to end their suffering at a time of their choosing.
Either destination, whether England or indeed Zurich, is wrong, in my opinion.
I remain committed to the individual's right to choose, after having undergone suitable medical assessment.