Jack, I don't view my paganism as something I converted to, but something I returned to. It much more reflects the beliefs and experiences that I had as a child than Christianity did, even though that is how I was raised. So the experiences I've just described reflect how I live my life, how I always have done.
I view 'God' as the living energy in all things - you can call it spirit, Tao, chi, whatever - but also creation itself is. I also think that isn't how everyone experiences God and that we need sometimes to put human ideas onto it/him/her to aid our understanding. I also think the energy of a place affects this, hence the differing deities across the world, even within the same religion. Personally I think focussed energy/minds makes these deities discernible. If you look at the myths of different cultures there are goddesses and gods who are often quite human-like in their stories, and there are archetypes that can be worked with as a way to understanding. Hence my username.
I know you are interested in archetypes; you mind find the Druid Animal Oracle interesting from a psychological point of view.