Hawking is, from all I've read and heard of his material, far more honest than Dawkins
On what basis is Dawkins "far more" dishonest than Hawking? Evidence?
Hawking, remember, considers religious beliefs to be fairy tales for adult children afraid of the dark, i.e. death. Those are his exact words, by the way, not my paraphrase. That's honest and accurate to him and to me as well. Is that honest enough for you? That doesn't sound very much different to anything Dawkins might say. So on what basis do you consider Hawking to be "far more" honest than Dawkins? About what has Dawkins been or is he dishonest? Dishonesty, you'll remember, is a specific thing - not holding an opinion you disagree with, not being accidentally factually incorrect, but conscious and deliberate deception - so I think we'll be needing to see your evidence for this smear.
Obviously none will be forthcoming, as we know of old that you're not in the backing-up-your-assertions business, but you won't be able to say you weren't given the opportunity.
willing to treat others with different views as reasonable human beings
Even when they're not. Dawkins is one of that band of people who, outside of clinical psychiatry, has probably met more downright unreasonable people than most. There's filmed evidence for many of them.
unlike the far more dogmatic, single-minded (in this respect) RD who seems to treat those who disagree with him with a degree of disdain.
Not that I have any great problem with disdain for disdain-worthy ideas and attitudes, you understand.