.... er, Jeremy, isn't it against forum rules to have the name of a forum member in the title of a thread? Or for that matter to have a thread about a forum member.
C'mon, Jeremy..... you're losing your grip.
Ah, well, at least our Vlad's gettin' to ya....
Sorry, I'm in a mischievious mood!
It isn't against the rules, and would only be an issue if it became excessively fractious, when it would be locked or moved.
Since the gist of the thread is about the frequent use of 'Philosophical Naturalism' across multiple threads then we've let it run - for now anyway!
Gordon, have the rules been changed? I'm sure at one time you couldn't run a thread aimed at another member.
Moderator:The current Forum Rules have been in place for 2 years now.
Prior to that there were some loose rules, for want of a better term, but they weren't clearly defined, which is why the current rules were developed and implemented. I think that there was a feeling, at best, that you couldn't use names in thread titles.
This wasn't included in the current Rules, especially since at around the same time we extended the use of the 'Prayer' Board to include 'Thoughts and Announcements' where this could be name-specific. However, if a thread title involving a name was clearly intended to insult or demean (e.g. contravene one of the Rules) then it wouldn't be allowed.
This thread does have a point beyond the use of a member's name, as I said earlier, which is Vlad's use of a term that has figured in his posts in numerous threads and in subsequent exchanges with other members. As such, we haven't intervened to close down the thread because, so far anyway, we have no reason to do so (although I have Modded one post).