Well we know you are incapable of checking .But this thread is where we ask the questions and you answer them
Actually it isn't. For the most part asking questions because you want the answers to them is fine, but that's not what you do. Rather your approach is a basic reasoning error called the argument from personal incredulity. You think that, when no answer is forthcoming, then just dropping in "god" as the answer somehow validates that answer when it does no such thing.
And that's your main problem (I'm leaving aside for now the secondary one that you don't understanding the questions you attempt in any case - confusing evolution with the origin of life itself for example): even if there is an answer and even if you understood it, you'd just move to another question until you got to a "dunno" and then proclaim again, "Ha! It must be God then" whereas in fact a "don't know" implies no such thing.
If ever you could grasp the fallacious argument you're relying on it would save everyone here an awful lot of time.