Hi everyone,
Its odd that something that is so personal and so much a part of our mind and personality as the biofield, needs external and objective 'proof' in the form of photographs to be even known & acknowledged as existing!
But that's the problem even with our own bodies. We would never know that we have a brain, liver, kidneys, lungs, pancreas and so on if they didn't teach us that in biology class. We can live our entire lives knowing nothing about our internal organs though we use them every day!
If anyone takes the trouble to learn some advanced Yoga (beyond the postures) or Pranic healing they will be taught to actually feel the biofield and the chakras. Meanwhile, every time you look at a little baby and feel your heart expanding...know that it is your heart chakra expanding. Or if you hear a thud downstairs at night and feel fear grip your heart know that it is your heart chakra contracting. Or you feel envious and feel a burning in your solar plexus know that its your solar plexus chakra reacting. And many more such feelings that are nothing but our chakras expanding and contracting.
Also such experiences as healing due to prayer, faith, Reiki, Floo type of healing....are all due to the biofield getting regulated.
Most psychosomatic problems are also due to the problems in the biofield and the chakras. Most mental problems such as depression, schizophrenia etc. are related to biofield and chakra problems.