A truly loving god would turn up regardless of what you asked and tell you why it was not possible for him to help and how to deal with the problem yourself - not just ignore you.
Sorry Owlswing but that just begs the question.....'' Where were your Gods?''.
Owlswing will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think he makes the claim that his gods are truly loving. I don't think he claims that his gods will answer if you "open your heart to them".
So he has a beef with a divinity who turns out to be not all loving so he questions that god's existence.
But then he worships gods who are not loving............puzzling.
Even more puzzling is that he has said these Gods have given us the universe and therefore they must be responsible for his troubles and yet he chooses to worship these.
Does he believe the Christian god exists or not?
If he does he is to Owlswing, uncaring and yet Owlswing is prepared to throw his lot in with uncaring God's.
If he doesn't believe the Christian god exists then his gods are unloving and uncaring and possibly the cause of his troubles and yet he is prepared to worship them.
I thought I was confused but realise now it must be Owlswing.
I do not question your god's existence - he may well exist. What I question is those qualities that Christians claim for him.
He is, if he acted as Rhi and others claim that he has, or rather has not, he is not the god of love claimed by the Christians.
I dismiss him and follow the so-called uncaring gods and goddesses because they claim to be no more than they are, my gods (and goddesses) have the same frailities as do humans. The do not claim to be "loving".
They are capricious, hateful, loving, jealous, childish, stupid, arrogant and they are not all-powerful, all-seeing all-knowing. We really are made in the same image as them, but by them? No, not by them - they do not claim to have created the world or us.
You're confused becasue your god cannot and doies not fulfil his "promises2 to humanity, mine have made no such promises. They DO NOT LIE to gain adherents.