So, you refrain from addressing any aspect of the Christian festivities? Or are you just another hypocrite?
I'm not the one claiming some kind of monopoly on festivals. I have no problem with people celebrating Christmas however they wish, all the way from one extreme, as a purely Christian festival (and therefore with nothing associated with the seasonal celebration), through to a purely seasonal celebration, without reference to the Christian meaning. Frankly most people celebrate in a manner that mixes the two in some proportion, and that's fine with me. You're the one who seems to have a problem with this, not me so there is no hypocrisy on my part.
At Easter I celebrate on specific dates, regardless of any pagan associations. Pagans can celebrate as they like, as long as they don't adhere to Christian dates and times.
But in the UK we call it Easter, not passion or any other such name which has a Christian connotations. So if you call it Easter, then to avoid claims of hypocrisy on your part (not mine remember as I'm relaxed about how people celebrate) then it is a pagan celebration, not a Christian one. So if non Christians are hypocrites for celebrating Christmas then non-pagans are just as hypocritical for celebrating Easter.
But I reiterate again - I don't care - celebrate as you wish - all these festivals are multifaceted, incorporating all sorts of religious and cultural influences, and also they evolve over time.