Eh? The thousand years was never a literal earthly kingdom. Our Lord confirms this when he says to Pilate "My kingdom is not of this world", which is why Chiliasm was condemned by the Constantinopolitan fathers. The thousand years is figurative of the time between Christ's first and second advent. Christ rules his kingdom at the right hand of the Father as the scriptures testify.
"The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool. The Lord will send forth the sceptre of thy power out of Sion: rule thou in the midst of thy enemies"
"Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God"
"And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. The rest of the dead lived not, till the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection"