None of that is really addressing the core dilemma for religions, namely that they largely derive from a set of propositional truth claims about the nature of reality and these truth claims are things which are either correct or they are not. Some of the core beliefs of a muslim flatly contradict the core beliefs of the christian and vice versa and so while the muslim may be happy within his belief world and the christian likewise they are destined to be forever separated, divided by an instinct that elevates loyalty to your personal faith above loyalty to your fellow human beings.
So my question is......
Is loyalty to your personal faith above loyalty to your fellow human beings always wrong?
You can get martyrs in all things, including people who have suffered because they continued in their scientific work.
If your fellow human beings are, in your opinion doing something wrong, should you surrender your own personal take on it?
Where do you draw the line?
For me it would be where you hurt other people, rather than just yourself.
So in that sense I understand how someone could elevate their own personal faith over other human beings if they see something going on they believe is wrong.
I think it shouldn' t hurt others though, however suicide bombers could also argue they are doing exactly the same thing and it's just a matter of degree.
It's about being a martyr to a personal set of beliefs / values.
On one hand I can see that standing up against what you see as an injustice is a good thing on the other, it is a bit subjective and depends sometimes on what side you happen to be on.
Where do you think we should draw the line?
Is it only wrong when religious people do it?
It sounds like one of those things that ought to be common sense, but obviously isn't because so many people take on the trappings of a martyr and stand up for what they see as injustice, by killing lots of innocent people.
In times of war, who we see as a martyr, is part of the propaganda.
Should we ever put our own personal faith or judgement, over ours or others lives?
What do you think?