Read this article for why not having a cosmological argument is problematic for the New Atheists;
Point 1 is a straw-man - neurologists aren't suggesting consciousness resides within particular neurons, they are saying consciousness is an emergent property of the activity, collectively, of neurons.
Point 2 is one that's actively under discussion in physics - the best models we currently have suggest that time is a property that emerges with the universe, not something that is imposed from outside, but those models of the early universe are still awaiting experimental backing. The paradigm shift required to try to adapt to a timeless idea of physics is inconceivable, literally: it's beyond the cognitive capacity of a brain that has evolved within a time-laden region to conceptualise such a thing directly. Change can be defined as the actualisation of potential as much as it likes, but defining a time-dependent concept in terms of other time-dependent concepts doesn't mean that any of it is justified in a time-less domain.
Point 3 - science does not require a cosmological argument - the universe is finite, it has a defined start, but time starts with that beginning. What exists beyond that universe, that domain into which the universe manifests is a realm with its own natural laws that is, functionally, infinite, there is no requirement for any 'creator' urge, there is just the natural existence of energy which cannot be created or destroyed, merely re-ordered.