And they didn't invent cancer, either. So what are you saying?
The very same that he made crystal clear (to some of us, anyway ...) back in #6.
I think many cancer victims bring it on by their own life-style. Whose fault is that then?
God, if you believe in one. If you're a theist (as opposed to a deist) you believe that God created everything, yes? If you believe in an omnipotent God, nothing exists without God willing it to exist. If such a thing as cancer exists, the theist has to choose from one of three possible options:
God knew in advance that creation would contain such a thing as cancer and either created it, or didn't create it but willingly permits it to exist (actively malevolent);
Knew/knows about cancer, wants to prevent it but is powerless to do so (benevolent but useless);
Doesn't know anything about it (ignorant).
This is within a theistic worldview. If there are other options (for the theist), feel free to point them out.
Additionally, odiousness of victim-blaming aside, it's a remarkably hit and miss, random process - some people eat what they like, smoke like chimneys and drink as though it's going out of fashion and suffer few or no ill effects, whereas as Jeremy has just pointed out, small children fall victim to leukaemia and other appalling forms of cancer, some of whom die. Looks like random chance to me, over all.