That sense that something's personally important I can get, but there's a sense with the word 'sacred' that something is somehow unquestionable or unchallengable. No matter how important I think something is, I can't think of any idea or concept I hold that is not open to enquiry, and certainly no place or object that is somehow 'reserved' or not open for replacement or improvement.
Marriage? Family? Intellectual freedom?
Marriage - any marriage is open to question, certainly enough of them are dissolved every year to suggest that just because it's a marriage doesn't mean it's unquestionable. There are arranged marriages, marriages of convenience, marriages to bypass immigration regulations and the like. Any given marriage - if it weren't open to question at least by the people in it, then it wouldn't be as significant as it is. If my wife couldn't, at any moment, decide that our marriage wasn't giving her what she wanted from it, then there wouldn't be significance to it that there is: I need to keep working at it to ensure that it's still what she would want it to be, it's constantly under question.
Family - I'm not sure the idea of 'questioning' or 'challenging' family actually makes any sense. I have the blood relatives that I have, neither I nor they can change that. What family means to any given individual is entirely up to them - for some people family is the core of their existence, for others it's something they can't change no matter how much they'd want to. The idea of family is open to question because no two people's definition will mean quite the same to them.
Intellectual freedom... that's a tricky one, it's something I think is important. The right to it? I think everyone deserves that, but I'd always be willing to hear an argument for why they shouldn't be. I can't imagine an argument I'd accept, but I'd always be willing to listen.