The Meek Will Inherit the Earth
If we analyse the problems of today’s world we find that everyone is so wound up. This means that people have no nervous stamina. They are on a short fuse because it is this strength that gives us patience, caring, good order and the desire to improve.
Two questions…
Where has all this strength gone?? And, How can we get it back??
I have only one answer…This invisible strength is also our spiritual strength and we must follow Jesus Christ accurately if we want to benefit from the same mechanics he teaches, of which, resurrection, and everlasting life, are perhaps the best known…but there is much more.
We must accurately restore Jesus to his true, righteous status, in our own individual lives...and we must verify what is written, with our own individual logic, because righteousness, works, by being truthful whereas men can alter things.
The meek shall inherit the Earth?
Tell that to all those that the Christian church has murdered over the centuries for refusing to accept its dictatorship.
Yes, the church is under that judgment as well.
Tell me do you assail German people in the street concerning world war 2?
No, the Germans are not still preaching the same credo as the Germans during WW2 - the christian church is!
Or pagans for human sacrifice?
For the same reason as for WW2 Germans - no - we have advanced from the old ways - you still preach tha same credo as was used to justify the murders of the witches (so-called) and other heretics.
Nope......on the other hand this forum is fine for Bigotted showboating of the kind you are displaying.
Bloody Hell! We are going up in the world - we get a Capital now!
Mote, eye beam!
As you know yourself many secular humanists on this board are both horrified yet fascinated that there are people who don't accept their facile, slovenly axiomatic comfortable view of their own righteousness, the unarguable rightness of their philosophy and world knowledge which when pressed they admit is incomplete but promise that ''science will come up with an answer''.
They also do not realise the stuff they are coming out with like the recent disgrace from Ippy concerning people of faith and education, to people on this board who think religion should have no public presence and religious people removed from the political process, is in anyway questionable. In their arrogance they ignore the atheists of a few years ago e.g. Bamber Gascoigne who in his TV programme The Christians a few years ago surveyed similar Soviet attitudes to religion with horror. Yes , that's right the atheist Bamber Gascoigne.
In view of these obvious errors My showboat sails this board with full orchestra, Dixie showband and chorus.
As far as you are concerned as far as antitheists around here are concerned if you run with both the hare and hounds Ippy will bite your head off.