As a matter of interest, what kind of tip do you use in snow or ice?
I use the jumbo roller on my graphite cane, for what it's worth.
It's slightly betterr than the rest of 'em.
For the moment, I am still using my peripheral vision and so in my right hand I use a walking stick which is white. It is collapsible and has a clip,which is useful when putting it in a locker at the gym, plus my telescopic signal cane in my left hand. Since I have an age-related cataract in my eye which is causing some increasing impairment, I might well have to get a sweep stick, but not yet. When I do, I'll check with you about suitable tips.
Here on the south coast ice is not such a problem, but I go by taxi if I am in doubt.
Having to slowly regain my leg and hip strength after being knocked down, and having to deal with the added complication of that immobility showing up my extremely dodgy left hip - not a problem before hand
because of my fitness, even though the pelvic cracks healed in a normal amount of time, means that my balance is not quite as good. this, again, is not a problem as long as I
remember it!
So many people I know have fallen - in their own homes - and broken their hips, so I am absolutely going to make sure I don't do that.