Life couldn’t exist if it wasn’t for the living cell. It is the prime mover of evolution and so it is the living cell we need to understand before we can understand evolution. There are many aspects to this…some covered by science but also some overlooked by science and it is this I have tried to explore in parallel with the other things we have already discussed on other topics.
To keep it conventional I will stick to provable facts first than suggest what the whole of my science is telling me, and you, I am quite sure, will tell me I have got it all wrong.
The living cell appears to have two key component parts that come together and make a living cell, which then replicates…It is this replicating process that deserves a second look. It is all controlled by electric/magnetic forces.
Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, are the typical phases of replication and if we watch these stages carefully we can see that hidden electric/magnetic forces are working this process. We could explain this quite easily but it is best to see, at this stage, that whenever this type of behaviour occurs where two magnetic forces are moving together we can generate an electric charge. Now this is our nervous strength which shouldn’t go to waste…it is the nervous energy of the cell and is responsible for maintaining a healthy replicating process whilst its surplus also enters a pool of energy that supports other cellular processes at various times of bodily need…so our pattern of wasting this energy via our excessive nervous expressions is sheer waste and, long term, has a massive damaging effect on our health…
This is also a part of the Christian message where we are taught to upbuild a righteous spirit, which is where I gleaned this from.