the reason that you can't see God (unlike me), is 1) because you are blinded by evil; 2) you are stupid; 3) you are saturated in philosophical materialism; 4) you are hidden, etc.
It's really saying that you should be like me.
a Ha a bit of the old Wigginhallian clarity before Bluehillside revealed, asthmatically, that
He was your ''father.''
I've never seen a believer on this or any other post declare that others were ''stupid''. That is a Dawkinsian ploy.
For those who saturate themselves in philosophical materialism my question....and yours Wiggs is why? Given it's massive internal contradiction and trouble with establishing what Armstrong refers to as Virtue.
The hiddenness thing that gets you is obscure to me and something that I've only seen in Christian mysticism. At the moment I view atheist arguments against God because of hiddenness are merely complaints that he cannot be put at the business end of a telescope or microscope.
I look forward to The wigginhall guide to the Hiddenness argument.
As for Turd the Barbarian or whatever he calls himself these days,
Turds objections are, as usual unpolished.
Yes when a catholic disagrees with Dawkins Turd may think it's catholic shite but he should be more concerned with the mountain of atheist objections to Dawkins which, I guess we have to refer to now as ''Atheist shite''.