Outrider, Rose:
You see what happens when you decide there is no God or, if there is, he would do things your way...You don't send your son too suffer a vicious and spiteful death without there being solid reason behind it and part of that multi-faceted reason is to show us just how vicious and spiteful people can be. There are people alive today who have suffered via that vicious and spiteful way so horrifically that only a fair and honest Judgement could remedy the wrongs inflicted against them but God's hands are tied because never again will he do to the people what his great flood did...No...his plan is to let the vicious and spiteful lead this planet into a state of near destruction and then Almighty God will recover it along with all those who have upbuilt within their own being a righteous spirit.
Like the innocent those sufficiently repentant will be counted as innocent and will enjoy resurrection and subsequently everlasting life, because this is the natural result of God's righteous science...the science drawn from the unification of all the universal forces and which is the only science that can answer all of modern sciences unknowns. The only science that complies with Biblical teaching and which ensures that Jesus will endure long after the great tribulations that are swallowing us all up now and from which the vicious and the spiteful will receive their full Judgement.
You have assumed that all non religious people are vicious and spiteful.
But actually it was the religious who wanted Jesus crucified.
And there have been too many occasions in history when it has been Christians who have tortured and been spiteful and vicious.
It's spiteful and vicious to shut out people purely because they don't happen to believe in God. Given the role religion has played in the past it's not really surprising people reject it.
It was spiteful and vicious of God to send his son in the first place, with an implied threat IMO.
If God created man, and man is imperfect then it is about time God took some responsibility for his own failures IMO.
Sitting back and thinking I am saved while telling myself others who don't accept the same beliefs as me ask for what they get , is not acceptable to me.
A spiteful and vicious God is one that blames his own failings on his creations and excludes those who make a wrong choice.
An Athiest who makes a selfless sacrifice, say gives his life to save a child, does not deserve an eternity of being excluded by some egotistical God.
An atheist is as valuable and worthy as any Christian, IMO.
If this God is so egotistical and bigoted, What's the point?
Perhaps Christians ought to be renamed " the minions" because they'll follow anything.
Because IMO this Christian claptrap about athiests being deserving of exclusion, is vicious and egotistical, and devalues what is good about the Christian message.
Seriously, Jesus made his disciples
fishers of men I don't think he was looking for those that are happy to see others burn or be excluded......
IMO It's a selfish thing, to write off people that way.