People please!, everything floo mentions in her posts can be challenged and also brought back to her attention on a later date and used in an argument. If she's gonna cry about it, she would do better finding a spine donor. If we have to tolerate her daily attacks on our faith, our God and us as Christians then she will have to accept the same treatment with regards to herself and all she posts. Truth is she targets certain people for nothing but belittling comments. She never actually debates anything Sass posts for example. She just jumps in to make stupid, childish, infantile, stunted put downs. So she can stop the crocodile tears, I am not fooled.
My dearest fan Matty, so good of you to return, where were you, anger management classes? Now, my dear friend, if I'm a troll that would make you Jabba the Hutt. And if I'm a troll, you must be surprised at how damn good looking I am. (snork) I hope you remember what you have posted and also stop and think before sending the posts. You see, you really fly off your handle (snork) whenever somebody challenges your posts or just disagrees with anything you post. You especially target Hope for your trolling ways.
Now the topic of Donald. Let's not be surprised at his mouth, self promotion and tough guy behaviour. He comes from another blood sport, business, that is BIG BUSINESS. We are not talking about a little business like the little corner grocery store. Donald would go after them like illegal Mexicans. Donald has had to use his skills, the mouth, the self promotion, and the hair, to get back on top after being ruined. So nobody running for party nominations has the experience that Trump does. Clinton is no threat nor the pinko commie granddad running against her. He will stomp either one into a bloody pulp and leave them to die on the side of the highway. Truth is, Donald isn't a Republican nor a Democrat. He is an opportunist, and will financially support anybody or party that will be good down the road to his businesses. I don't want to see him as president but will accept him, if that means the USA won't be run by a socialist crazy or a crook that has her very own set of rules to play but.