What is 'woo' today could be a new reality tomorrow....once we gain enough knowledge to understand it. So...we should first of all stop demarcating things into 'woo' and such other whimsical categories.
No. What is woo is woo - that there might be new discoveries tomorrow which at some point in the future mean that these claims turn out to be true doesn't stop them being woo. Woo is not a statement that the claims are false, but that the claims are unjustified, and that doesn't change even if it turns out they are right.
Methodologies evolve over time to accommodate our new experiences. Or rather...they should. Methodologies should not dictate our understanding of reality. Reality should dictate the methodology. Abstract and non-concrete aspects of reality cannot be examined using the same methodologies that we use in normal physics.
No, the methodology stays the same: do we have an observable phenomenon that is verifiable, and if so what patterns can we identify in it that can be investigated? What possible explanations are there that are testable that fit the evidence? How can we test those explanations.
That methodology will not change - what are detectable phenomena might change, what are the possible explanations that fit the evidence might change, but the methodology itself will not.