Who are the MANY Christians who would believe hat followers of Satan the most dangerous enemy?
Christian Children:-
Raise with hope and with the knowledge they are loved by God and others and that God cares for them.
Wonder where he got the research from well no figures representing how many children were taking part or how chosen.
A very weak and moot point.
Loudly jeering.
Goodness knows it represents nothing but the 15 minute fame and grab of the limelight.
Wanting to do different that will make a stir. Has absolutely no real weight or outlook when it comes to the reality OF True
Christianity. The truth shows that Satan and listening to him placed man where he is today.
The greatest liar and father of all lies is being worshipped. Funny, how the people can be seen as traitors to their own kind
and the true God who made them. One way tickets to hell are not really about love are they?
The encounter occurred during a Washington conflict over prayer after high school football games. Some students thought that if
Christians got to pray at midfield, others should have the same right,
and they invited members of the Satanic Temple to their game. That made some Christian students unhappy.
Who placed the idea there in the first instance?
A bit like Satan and Eve, isn't it.
Perhaps Christians should consider upgrading from a set of 10 Commandments that were written in the Iron Age to a better set.
It might do wonders for Christianity’s public image—and
for their ability to follow the teachings of Jesus himself.
So far I have seen absolutely NOTHING that would make the 10 Commandments less in comparison to Satanic worship and belief.
Are we reading the same article? It seems true love does not follow the way of the evil one who cause mans destruction.
Jesus Christ lead by action. He loved, he healed, he told the truth and he shows God had a plan to rescue us from the
fate of the world brought about by Satan.
The truth is that man in his own strength can do much but he cannot get to heaven or eternal life. Satan relies on himself
and taking as many as he can with him. Christ dies to save people and bring them true love,peace and life
Satan, took everyone down the wrong path to death. Is the people writing the things really aware of true satanism and Christianity?
Appears they have sold their souls for a lie.
It matters not how you look at their 7 values compared to Gods 10 commandments.
The outcome does not change. The 7 leads to death whilst the 10 leads to life.
One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.Reason... where was the reason and act when Satan spoke to Eve?
His reason was to destroy what God had created and given to mankind.
So let us have the type of reason it would be in accordance with.
Christ is clear that his reason is to bring man life and back to God.
The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions
Laws and institutions prevailed over. Isn't that what Hitler did. He saw it to be justice to kill the jews and ignore the laws
and institutions? It isn't as good as people think to believe in the above. It basically places itself about the law and does
not tell us what type of justice they are struggling for. What justice did it leave the jews when they ignored the laws and the
God is clear that to offend against his laws results in hurting him and our fellowman. What evil does teachings behind the 7
tenets really hold?
One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
What about the will of Satan? Isn't that persons body now on the road to destruction. Against their will because they do not see
lie behind these tenets and their master they now give everything over to...
The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend.
To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
Not right is it? The Jews... how was their freedom respected? A concentration camp, a gas chamber and experiments.
Freedom to offend clearly shown and peoples freedom in Austria was forgone to allow the willfull and unjustl exnroachment of the
Nazis to ensure the Jews forgo their own.
Not clever is it when you see the truth behind the thinking.
Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world.
We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
What scientific understanding of the world. And why scientific. If all the free will baloney about was to be believed.
Then they would not have this tenet to follow because it takes away the freedom to believe whatever we choose.
That is not faith it is becoming a robot.
People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
How can you judge the mistake? How do you rectify and resolve harm a rapist or murderer may have done if tenet 2 is allowed?
Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice
should always prevail over the written or spoken word.
There is it the free for all... ALL of a sudden you see that when all else fails the written and spoken word goes out of the window
allowing the events of Hitler all over again and the will of the many to be ruled by the fear and beliefs of those few.
Gods laws are summed up in two:
1. Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart mind, body and strength.
If you do this you will always be lead through wisdom, peace and truth.
2. Love your NEIGHBOUR as yourself.
The Lord giving clear direction with the good samaritan.
If you obey those two tenets you will never harm anyone in the way Satan and Hitler did.
What the two/10 commandments do is bring life and peace to mankind. No hidden agenda just the way to know our creator and others properly.
What those 7 tenets of the Satanic cult does it tell you that regardless of the law and beliefs that you can make wrong appear
right and do many evil things in the name of false right and wrong.
They will look and not see...
Christianity does not sell us anything it reveals the truth.
No hidden agenda and nothing which put's self above God and others.
But the 7 satanic tenets allows the many to be hurt by the ignoring of the laws and institutes which protect them.
The Satanic precepts are false and misleading. The commandments of God and the love of God through Christ are plain.
The first is man doing it, his own way and failing. The Commandments is doing it Gods way and succeeding.
Both have an ultimate end.
Gods way leads to life.
Satan leads to death.