Christians don't understand Issy 53 - and all of us non-christians really love winding you up about your lack of knowledge about what it actually means.
Which is why we post on these such forums and then piss ourselves laughing about your "suffering servant" mistranslation/understanding.. even when we point it out - you still don't understand. It's a HUGE joke to us who actually understand who the servant is in Isaiah 53...
Let's test that so called lack of knowledge...
Tell us what the believers know in the Spirit and the Jews knew in the Spirit about the Messiah?
Also tell us where in the OT the Jews are told about the Messiah.
Then tell us why the Samaritan woman at the well said:- King James Bible
The woman saith unto him," I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things."
Maybe, just maybe you are the one chasing his own tail in the circle of things relating to truth,Christ, the word and God.
"My words are Spirit and they are life" it is really is far out of your grasp. What is more you know why it is far out of your grasp yet right in front of you. Nothing else can fill that emptiness that disappointment leaves..