Author Topic: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..  (Read 62936 times)


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #150 on: February 12, 2016, 09:49:19 PM »
A pity that you haven't paid attention to the various threads on this topic that there have been over the past couple of years, Shakes.
I haven't been here for the past couple of years, but it's precisely and exactly because I've paid attention to aforementioned threads since I have been here (and elsewhere) that I'm aware that the answer you get to the issue varies from one Christian to the next - which stands in stark contradiction to the my-way-or-the-fry-way of the Gospels. This suggests that rather a lot of people who call themselves Christians appear not to know what to believe and seem to be making it up as they go along, quite contrary to what the manual says. That's OK by me because in good people who claim a religious adherence you see good, kindly beliefs which are essentially humanistic views with a thin patina of Christianity quite needlessly laid on top - that inherent goodness remains should all the Jesus baggage fall away (as it often does), because it's an intrinsically human quality and not a religious one. From the point of view of simple, basic human kindness, goodness and decency this is fine; but it's not what the supposed instruction book says.

Contrary to your assumption that Christians are suffering from 'embarrased coughing, shuffling of feet and general shiftiness', they are suffering from uncertainty as to exactly what Jesus meant by such teaching.
Why would they be uncertain? Are the Gospels straightforwardly clear or are they not? And if they are not, why are they not? Is this god that you claim to believe in, the same one capable of creating a universe and all within it out of nothing according to your belief system, apparently unable to get its message to humankind across clearly and without ambiguity, thus obviating unclarity, confusion and the need for so many conflicting, mutually contradictory interpretations? Does this god have a message for humankind, and does it want humankind to see, know and understand it clearly without ambiguity or confusion, or does it not? Does this deity actively seek unclarity, confusion and ambiguity, or not? It's patently obvious as to why anyone disposed to believe in a god might think so. Interpretation only comes into play when the text in question is sufficiently unclear to allow for it; and unclarity is not what one would reasonably expect from an omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent deity (though you remain as coy as ever as to whether the god you purport to believe in actually possesses these attributes. The reticence is understandable, but cowardly). There are so many denominations of Christianity because every sect chooses to interpret the words as contained in the Bible in a manner that suits them - all claiming their own interpretation to be the only right, true and correct one, of course - and nobody can credibly refute any other interpretation because there's no correct, definitive Ur-text with which to compare them in order to prove them wrong.

Good writers try to say whatever it is they want to say as simply and as clearly as they can in order to communicate their point(s) effectively, which means doing everything they can to minimise ambiguity and maximise clarity, so that 'interpretation' (which as already noted is subject to the vagaries of individual whim over time) isn't even an issue. Can your god do this? If so, why didn't it? If not, why call it a god? Why is this god supposedly powerful enough to speak creation into being by its will, but such a bad writer that the Plain English Campaign would give it an almighty bollocking for being unable to communicate what it supposedly needs to effectively? This seems to make your god the Almighty Creator of All That Is when it comes to a cosmos but all of a sudden with the writing skills of those people who construct the instructions for flat-pack furniture. Do you or do you not consider that any god worthy of the name would want to do better than this, would know how to do it and furthermore would be able to do so? Yet this is not what we see when we look around at the real world.

I feel the Incredible Shrinking God coming on again.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 11:11:16 PM by Shaker »
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #151 on: February 13, 2016, 06:23:05 AM »
Absolutely!  It is what I choose to think.  You should try it someday - it's much better than being told what to think.

Truth?  I guess that's your truth and no doubt it differs from the truth of the thousands of other Christian denominations, sects and cults.  Such a shame the word of your god is so confusing. 


Bible prophets are supposed to speak for God.

Check out Elisha – he’s one of the heroes of the Bible.

“And Elisha said unto him, Go, say unto him, Thou mayest certainly recover: howbeit the LORD hath shewed me that he shall surely die.”

2 Kings 8:10

Here is a deliberate lie. Elisha’s official prophecy was that Ben-hada was going to live even though Elisha knew he would die. That makes him a liar.

Here are some more lies that originate from God:

"Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee."
1 Kings 22:23

"Now therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets."
2 Chronicles 18:22

"Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people."
Jeremiah 4:10

"O Lord, thou hast deceived me, and I was deceived."
Jeremiah 20:7

"And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet."
Ezekiel 14:9

"For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."
2 Thessalonians 2:11

Nothing?  So you're free to worship whatever god you choose and your god will still hold your place in heaven open for you?

You just contradicted yourself.

Proven?  Please show me this proof that your god really exists.  In the meantime, I'll await your imminent receipt of the Nobel Peace Prize.


There are religious words that refer to real things, like church, bible, scripture, and prayer.  Does righteousness belong there? 

No, it belongs with those words which refer to nothing at all when used in the literal (non-metaphorical) religious sense, like holy, blessed, divine, sacred, soul, god, angel, heaven, hell, salvation, grace, miracle, blasphemy, and sin - religious concepts that refer to imagined qualities and substances that cannot be identified in the world any more than leprechauns.

The whole concept of the supernatural belongs to this category. Natural refers to everything that exists, including whatever things we may as yet be unaware.

In any event, what makes your understanding and interpretation of the scriptures more reliable than mine?

I can read them without your confirmation bias. I can read the absurd and laugh, where you would be taking notes and trying to memorise the absurdity.
You have no more authority in biblical interpretation than you do in matters such as what spirituality and love are, or in what constitutes a basis for morality, meaning or purpose in life.
   The truth is you are caught up in your particular brand of Bull Sh*t.

1 Kings 22:23
"Now, therefore, behold, the Lord hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of these thy prophets, and the Lord hath spoken evil concerning thee."

I understand that perfectly and it does not say what you assume it to say.
Think about the verse and explain it in details giving the examples....

Stop copying and pasting things you cannot discern for yourself.

Ezekiel 14:9
"And if a prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet."
2 Thessalonians 2:11
"For this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie."

King James Bible Ezekiel 14:9
And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12King James Version (KJV)

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Your the perfect example. You and they believed not in the truth so now you are lead by strong delusions you believe it says something different to what others see. These people who perish do so, because like you they have no love of truth.
The bible tells the end from the beginning. God warns you. You choose not to believe and are lead by your delusions of what it means... Try reading it, instead of looking for points that don't exist.

Even Shaker cannot make it through his own deceptions and deliberations of the bible.
You need to point out what you are trying to prove with evidence. I just did, but you can't.
We know we have to work together to abolish war and terrorism to create a compassionate  world in which Justice and peace prevail. Love ;D   Einstein
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Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #152 on: February 13, 2016, 06:31:48 AM »
You need to point out what you are trying to prove with evidence. I just did, but you can't.

You have proved nothing except your own, closed-minded bigotry, Sass ... and you are fooling nobody here except yourself!  :)


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #153 on: February 13, 2016, 11:26:45 AM »
You have proved nothing except your own, closed-minded bigotry, Sass ... and you are fooling nobody here except yourself!  :)

Rubbish... understanding the bible has absolutely NOTHING to do with Bigotry., Shame on you Leonard.
We know we have to work together to abolish war and terrorism to create a compassionate  world in which Justice and peace prevail. Love ;D   Einstein
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Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #154 on: February 13, 2016, 11:35:27 AM »
Rubbish... understanding the bible has absolutely NOTHING to do with Bigotry., Shame on you Leonard.

Bigotry is intolerance of any other view than your own, and that description fits you like a glove, my dear.

I know it isn't your fault that your brain has been addled by religion since infancy, but you must not expect those of us who can see it to let you get away with your nonsense.  :)


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #155 on: February 13, 2016, 12:05:28 PM »
   The truth is you are caught up in your particular brand of Bull Sh*t.

Nice refutation!  I can see I'm going to have to watch you.

Still, I quote a load of scriptures from your holy book and you say they are BS - I can't fault you there.

I understand that perfectly and it does not say what you assume it to say.
Think about the verse and explain it in details giving the examples....

Stop copying and pasting things you cannot discern for yourself.

Your the perfect example. You and they believed not in the truth so now you are lead by strong delusions you believe it says something different to what others see. These people who perish do so, because like you they have no love of truth.
The bible tells the end from the beginning. God warns you. You choose not to believe and are lead by your delusions of what it means... Try reading it, instead of looking for points that don't exist.

Even Shaker cannot make it through his own deceptions and deliberations of the bible.
You need to point out what you are trying to prove with evidence. I just did, but you can't.

Take a look at the popular culture to see where you stand. How are the religious portrayed in movies, TV and music?

Like ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop in real life.

Are you that crazy lady from "The Mist"?

Maybe you should consider joining the rest of the bipedal apes that have chucked the clumsy security of ancient mythologies and their false promises.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Dorothy Parker


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #156 on: February 13, 2016, 04:53:22 PM »
Well you can't be so secure in your atheism. God is on your mind everyday and you bring your fight against God here everyday, repeating the same old lines gleaned from atheist sites.
You're late to the rodeo, YAWN.

Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #157 on: February 13, 2016, 05:46:37 PM »
Well you can't be so secure in your atheism. God is on your mind everyday and you bring your fight against God here everyday, repeating the same old lines gleaned from atheist sites.
You're late to the rodeo, YAWN.

Obviously! We're not going to leave a clear field for nuts like you to spread your religious rubbish.


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #158 on: February 13, 2016, 05:50:02 PM »
Take a look at the popular culture to see where you stand. How are the religious portrayed in movies, TV and music?

Like ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop in real life.
We've had a discussion on this very theme before and that's by no means always the case - the two signal examples that sprang to mind, I recall, were The Vicar of Dibley and Rev, where Christian clergy were portrayed very sympathetically as flawed, fallible, sometimes troubled but deeply kind and compassionate human beings. I'm not saying that that's the norm, but if we're going to be even-handed here they have to go on one side of the scales.
Pain, or damage, don't end the world. Or despair, or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man, and give some back. - Al Swearengen, Deadwood.


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #159 on: February 13, 2016, 06:09:31 PM »
We've had a discussion on this very theme before and that's by no means always the case - the two signal examples that sprang to mind, I recall, were The Vicar of Dibley and Rev, where Christian clergy were portrayed very sympathetically as flawed, fallible, sometimes troubled but deeply kind and compassionate human beings. I'm not saying that that's the norm, but if we're going to be even-handed here they have to go on one side of the scales.

Fair enough point. 

I agree.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #160 on: February 14, 2016, 10:35:34 AM »
Bigotry is intolerance of any other view than your own, and that description fits you like a glove, my dear.

I know it isn't your fault that your brain has been addled by religion since infancy, but you must not expect those of us who can see it to let you get away with your nonsense.  :)

Again you are trying to say anyone who has a firm faith in their God is a Bigot.
You have a firm faith in homosexuality being right for you, does that make you a bigot.
I believe 100% that heterosexuality is right for me does that make me a bigot.
You WRONGLY accuse me of being brainwashed by religion from infancy. I wasn't does that make you a bigot.
Clearly you are deliberately misusing the word the word bigot

a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions.
"don't let a few small-minded bigots destroy the good image of the city"
synonyms:   dogmatist, partisan, sectarian, prejudiced person

Religion is not an opinion it is a personal held belief system and we know many such religions exist.
Whilst each may have faith in their own god's it does not make them bigots.
Because a belief system is not about opinions but the personal beliefs of another which are held independently of the society or world we live in.

Clearly you have been able to get away with your abuse of the word and people by such an 'opinion' which in itself is bigoted because you believe your beliefs about atheism to be the only possible true belief.
I believe the word BIGOT and bigotry fits you aptly more than those who hold a religious belief about God.
Since all hold different beliefs about a god none can be said to be bigots when it is a individual matter for each person.
Whereas your belief you believe makes all those who hold a religious belief wrong.

We know we have to work together to abolish war and terrorism to create a compassionate  world in which Justice and peace prevail. Love ;D   Einstein
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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #161 on: February 14, 2016, 10:41:50 AM »
Leonard, you must be doing something right as Sass has picked you as her target for today! ;D


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #162 on: February 14, 2016, 10:47:56 AM »
Nice refutation!  I can see I'm going to have to watch you.

Still, I quote a load of scriptures from your holy book and you say they are BS - I can't fault you there.

Is that a deliberate effort to twist what was actually said or is intelligence lacking as well as your knowledge when it comes
to the Scripture. Seen it all before when people who are not articulate or well versed in the English language and unable to answer the point turns to insult and sarcasm. What's wrong, couldn't you find an answer to copy from the internet...

Take a look at the popular culture to see where you stand. How are the religious portrayed in movies, TV and music?

Like ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop in real life.

Tell me how faith in God is portrayed by Christ in the bible.
If you can't then you really should not be watching films about religious people or watching tv and listening to their music.
After all, you would not be able to tell what is ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop of real life.
But you don't appear to let that bother you. Do you like looking so stupid by ignoring the real arguments in a post to bring it down to sarcasm and insult. Hey, if that is all you can do you need to be pitied. But more importantly anyone who reads this knows you could not argue the truth about Jesus Christ and his teachings because you don't know or understand them.

Are you that crazy lady from "The Mist"?

Maybe you should consider joining the rest of the bipedal apes that have chucked the clumsy security of ancient mythologies and their false promises.

May be you need to believe in a god WHO exists and can help his people rather than one who leaves you to make an idiot of yourself in such a spectacular way. What's up don't you know anything about the god you believe in? Or is it the truth that he isn't there to guide you?

I guess even the apes could give a better answer about my religion than you.  ::)
We know we have to work together to abolish war and terrorism to create a compassionate  world in which Justice and peace prevail. Love ;D   Einstein
 "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #163 on: February 14, 2016, 12:07:45 PM »
Is that a deliberate effort to twist what was actually said or is intelligence lacking as well as your knowledge when it comes
to the Scripture. Seen it all before when people who are not articulate or well versed in the English language and unable to answer the point turns to insult and sarcasm. What's wrong, couldn't you find an answer to copy from the internet...

This from the person who leaves a trail of unanswered questions behind her.  I was just responding to the way you failed to refute me and resorted to calling my post BS; an insult that you threw at me, so if you don't like being insulted then perhaps you should refrain from insulting others.

Tell me how faith in God is portrayed by Christ in the bible.
If you can't then you really should not be watching films about religious people or watching tv and listening to their music.
After all, you would not be able to tell what is ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop of real life.
But you don't appear to let that bother you. Do you like looking so stupid by ignoring the real arguments in a post to bring it down to sarcasm and insult. Hey, if that is all you can do you need to be pitied. But more importantly anyone who reads this knows you could not argue the truth about Jesus Christ and his teachings because you don't know or understand them.

There you go with the insults again.  You really don't like it when people challenge your superstitious mumbo jumbo, do you?

I don't care what you believe Jesus said. What I do care about is what people do with their beliefs.

I can practically guarantee that at some point you will post that so-and-so wasn't a true Christian because they did such-and-such.  You really should know that I don't give a toss about whether your ju-ju is the real one.  I have no interest in what people who call themselves Christians believe, say or do as long as they don't impinge on my life.

I'm reminded of a mammoth that has blundered into a tar pit, thrashing around, bellowing and threatening life on dry land while all the time sinking ever deeper into the ooze.  All I need to do is sit and watch you weaken and eventually disappear; after all, survival of the fittest is the natural order, even for religions.

May be you need to believe in a god WHO exists and can help his people rather than one who leaves you to make an idiot of yourself in such a spectacular way. What's up don't you know anything about the god you believe in? Or is it the truth that he isn't there to guide you?

I guess even the apes could give a better answer about my religion than you.  ::)

I choose to turn away from all the gods (not just yours).  After all, you don't need to know all about fairy lore to have a sensible opinion about the existence of fairies.

Yet when it comes down to it, as an unbeliever, I'm quite capable of accepting I may be wrong.  Contrast that with you who blindly adheres to rules that your particular religion is never wrong.  Darkness rules your mind.

Still, you're perfectly entitled to believe in whatever gods you want - I really don't mind.  I don't even mind if you have a burning desire to nail a dead chicken to your bedpost and run around naked while howling at the moon if it brings meaning to your life.
"I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

Dorothy Parker

Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #164 on: February 14, 2016, 12:43:59 PM »
  I don't even mind if you have a burning desire to nail a dead chicken to your bedpost and run around naked while howling at the moon if it brings meaning to your life.

 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Such behaviour on Sass's part would make just as much sense as what she already believes.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 07:21:31 PM by Leonard James »


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #165 on: February 14, 2016, 06:04:36 PM »
The question is why, when 'Israel' has been used to represent the Jewish people as God's Servant throughout the book of Isaiah, when we get to chapters 52-53, we should suddenly start considering the 'Servant' to refer to Jesus uniquely.

Keil & Delitzsch OT Commentary says,
The very same person who was introduced by Jehovah in Isaiah 42:1. here speaks for himself, commencing thus in Isaiah 49:1-3 : "Listen, O isles,...." Although the speaker is called Israel in Isaiah 49:3, he must not be regarded as either a collective person representing all Israel, or as the collective personality of the kernel of Israel, which answered to its true idea. It is not the former, because in Isaiah 49:5 he is expressly distinguished from the nation itself, which is the immediate object of his special work as restorer and (according to Isaiah 49:8 and Isaiah 42:6) covenant-mediator also; not the latter, because the nation, whose restoration he effects, according to Isaiah 49:5, was not something distinct from the collective personality of the "servant of Jehovah" in a national sense, but rather the entire body of the "servants of Jehovah" or remnant of Israel (see, for example, Isaiah 65:8-16).
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 06:08:42 PM by Spud »


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #166 on: February 14, 2016, 06:44:17 PM »
Obviously! We're not going to leave a clear field for nuts like you to spread your religious rubbish.

Pack it up Leonard,I've been letting you get away with it in the past but I can't let it go any more, "Stop keep taking the words out of my mouth", this must be the umpteenth time!


Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #167 on: February 14, 2016, 07:22:48 PM »
Pack it up Leonard,I've been letting you get away with it in the past but I can't let it go any more, "Stop keep taking the words out of my mouth", this must be the umpteenth time!


Sorry mate! I clearly waste more time here than you do!  :)


I might also point out that you do the same to me very often!  >:(
« Last Edit: February 14, 2016, 07:25:23 PM by Leonard James »


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #168 on: February 14, 2016, 08:34:51 PM »
And that explains why you are a nice guy but talking to you is like being alone. Leo is guilty of stealing your words.


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #169 on: February 15, 2016, 12:27:17 PM »
And that explains why you are a nice guy but talking to you is like being alone. Leo is guilty of stealing your words.

Woody, even "Monty Python" knows about what the average Canadian male gets up to and now we all know.



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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #170 on: February 15, 2016, 01:10:47 PM »
Woody, even "Monty Python" knows about what the average Canadian male gets up to and now we all know.


He likes to press wild flowers, put on women's clothing and hang around in bars?
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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #171 on: February 15, 2016, 02:54:41 PM »
He likes to press wild flowers, put on women's clothing and hang around in bars?

"Viva" Monty Python!

Python's composed of exaggerated real life events, one of my favourites, is the author trying to promote his new book but Eric Idle wont let him give a review by turning everything he says to something else about his shed.

A double wammey, taking the P out of  GBS at the same time, it's making me laugh thinking about it again.



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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #172 on: February 17, 2016, 01:21:18 PM »
Is that a deliberate effort to twist what was actually said or is intelligence lacking as well as your knowledge when it comes
to the Scripture. Seen it all before when people who are not articulate or well versed in the English language and unable to answer the point turns to insult and sarcasm. What's wrong, couldn't you find an answer to copy from the internet...

Tell me how faith in God is portrayed by Christ in the bible.
If you can't then you really should not be watching films about religious people or watching tv and listening to their music.
After all, you would not be able to tell what is ineffectual, delusional nut jobs out of the loop of real life.
But you don't appear to let that bother you. Do you like looking so stupid by ignoring the real arguments in a post to bring it down to sarcasm and insult. Hey, if that is all you can do you need to be pitied. But more importantly anyone who reads this knows you could not argue the truth about Jesus Christ and his teachings because you don't know or understand them.

May be you need to believe in a god WHO exists and can help his people rather than one who leaves you to make an idiot of yourself in such a spectacular way. What's up don't you know anything about the god you believe in? Or is it the truth that he isn't there to guide you?

I guess even the apes could give a better answer about my religion than you.  ::)

This from the person who leaves a trail of unanswered questions behind her.  I was just responding to the way you failed to refute me and resorted to calling my post BS; an insult that you threw at me, so if you don't like being insulted then perhaps you should refrain from insulting others.

If the truth insults you that is your problem. Nothing and no one can insult you better than your own posts and what is clearly shown as a blatant attack on anything or anyone who does not agree with you. Get over it, only you take you seriously. You haven't enough education to pose a threat to anyones faith.

There you go with the insults again.  You really don't like it when people challenge your superstitious mumbo jumbo, do you?

I don't care what you believe Jesus said. What I do care about is what people do with their beliefs.

If the truth is insults to you perhaps you should stop chatting rubbish about things you know nothing about.  As for challenge when do intend to start?? Nothing so far written by you has challenged anything or anyone to do with Christ. Just shown your ignorance about Christ and his followers. More importantly it has shown you bias and inability to hold a debate about these things...

I can practically guarantee that at some point you will post that so-and-so wasn't a true Christian because they did such-and-such.  You really should know that I don't give a toss about whether your ju-ju is the real one.  I have no interest in what people who call themselves Christians believe, say or do as long as they don't impinge on my life.

WRONG... Show me where it has been written. You cannot guarantee...
How could anything you believe not to be real impinge on your life. Why not get a life then you would understand light and darkness cannot exist in the same place. All the light does for you is show up your inconsistencies and ability to attack that which you do not understand and cannot change.

I'm reminded of a mammoth that has blundered into a tar pit, thrashing around, bellowing and threatening life on dry land while all the time sinking ever deeper into the ooze.  All I need to do is sit and watch you weaken and eventually disappear; after all, survival of the fittest is the natural order, even for religions.

YOU are the mammoth.. had you looked where you were going you not have fell in the tar pit.
Christs followers have not disappeared in over 2,000 years and it won't happen no matter how long you sit there. Would have thought that a no brainer and easy. Why make such stupid remarks. Not clever and not big.

I choose to turn away from all the gods (not just yours).  After all, you don't need to know all about fairy lore to have a sensible opinion about the existence of fairies.

Fairies don't exist and I didn't need to know or be told by anyone to know this.
Sure you want to carry on being silly.
This from the person who leaves a trail of unanswered questions behind her.  I was just responding to the way you failed to refute me and resorted to calling my post BS; an insult that you threw at me, so if you don't like being insulted then perhaps you should refrain from insulting others.

There you go with the insults again.  You really don't like it when people challenge your superstitious mumbo jumbo, do you?

I don't care what you believe Jesus said. What I do care about is what people do with their beliefs.

I can practically guarantee that at some point you will post that so-and-so wasn't a true Christian because they did such-and-such.  You really should know that I don't give a toss about whether your ju-ju is the real one.  I have no interest in what people who call themselves Christians believe, say or do as long as they don't impinge on my life.

I'm reminded of a mammoth that has blundered into a tar pit, thrashing around, bellowing and threatening life on dry land while all the time sinking ever deeper into the ooze.  All I need to do is sit and watch you weaken and eventually disappear; after all, survival of the fittest is the natural order, even for religions.

I choose to turn away from all the gods (not just yours).  After all, you don't need to know all about fairy lore to have a sensible opinion about the existence of fairies.

Yet when it comes down to it, as an unbeliever, I'm quite capable of accepting I may be wrong.  Contrast that with you who blindly adheres to rules that your particular religion is never wrong.  Darkness rules your mind.

Still, you're perfectly entitled to believe in whatever gods you want - I really don't mind.  I don't even mind if you have a burning desire to nail a dead chicken to your bedpost and run around naked while howling at the moon if it brings meaning to your life.

Still, you're perfectly entitled to believe in whatever gods you want - I really don't mind.  I don't even mind if you have a burning desire to nail a dead chicken to your bedpost and run around naked while howling at the moon if it brings meaning to your life.
This from the person who leaves a trail of unanswered questions behind her.  I was just responding to the way you failed to refute me and resorted to calling my post BS; an insult that you threw at me, so if you don't like being insulted then perhaps you should refrain from insulting others.

There you go with the insults again.  You really don't like it when people challenge your superstitious mumbo jumbo, do you?

I don't care what you believe Jesus said. What I do care about is what people do with their beliefs.

I can practically guarantee that at some point you will post that so-and-so wasn't a true Christian because they did such-and-such.  You really should know that I don't give a toss about whether your ju-ju is the real one.  I have no interest in what people who call themselves Christians believe, say or do as long as they don't impinge on my life.

I'm reminded of a mammoth that has blundered into a tar pit, thrashing around, bellowing and threatening life on dry land while all the time sinking ever deeper into the ooze.  All I need to do is sit and watch you weaken and eventually disappear; after all, survival of the fittest is the natural order, even for religions.

I choose to turn away from all the gods (not just yours).  After all, you don't need to know all about fairy lore to have a sensible opinion about the existence of fairies.

Yet when it comes down to it, as an unbeliever, I'm quite capable of accepting I may be wrong.  Contrast that with you who blindly adheres to rules that your particular religion is never wrong.  Darkness rules your mind.

Still, you're perfectly entitled to believe in whatever gods you want - I really don't mind.  I don't even mind if you have a burning desire to nail a dead chicken to your bedpost and run around naked while howling at the moon if it brings meaning to your life.

The truth really gets to you doesn't it.

You can see from your post the pattern of thinking that keeps you locked up in your chain thinking and disbelief.
A disbelief that you push your thoughts onto other as being a truth about them but is in fact a lie.

Glanging gong....

You really are lost in your own waffle and lack of knowledge.

I can see you believe in your own fairy stories. I never had to be told fairies did not exist.
I already worked this out for myself. Same with Father Christmas.
But the one truth I do know is God is real. I really don't have a problem with you disbelieving.
But if Christs followers  the Mammoths has not disappeared individually or as a group in 2,000 year they won't disappear whilst you are watching.

YOU are the one lacking. Now everyone knows it...
We know we have to work together to abolish war and terrorism to create a compassionate  world in which Justice and peace prevail. Love ;D   Einstein
 "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."


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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #173 on: February 17, 2016, 01:26:33 PM »
More hilarity from Sass! ;D

Leonard James

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Re: Isaiah 52:13-53: whatever..
« Reply #174 on: February 17, 2016, 02:02:06 PM »

YOU are the one lacking. Now everyone knows it...

Such irony! Do you really believe that everybody thinks that? Of course you don't, you are just lying to make yourself feel better.

The fact is, Sass, that almost everyone on this forum sees you as a  harmless nut case, who has allowed herself to believe that only SHE has the truth.  :)