1. When the probability of something happening (specific mutations) is very small (one in a trillion) and if it actually happens, there is a possibility of some sort of a tweaking. If it happens more than once (in many organisms simultaneously)... then it is most probably a tweaking or fine tuning.
Or you have significant number of opportunities for it to happen. One in a million chances happen nine times out of ten if you given them billions of chances to happen. The chances of a lottery win are 1 in about 46 million, these days, yet someone wins every couple of weeks...
Additionally, if such very low probability mutations keep happening in multiple organisms around the planet again and again leading to ever increasing complexity and finally to humans....then it is most certainly a fine tuning.
If it were the same mutation, in the absence of any other mutations, you might have a case (although the more likely explanation, I feel, is that you've miscalculated the probability of that mutation occurring). However, you don't have the same mutation occurring repeatedly, you have different mutations, each with their own (low) chance.
2. Darwinism does in fact allow for intelligent selection because Darwin used the term 'Natural Selection' only to differentiate it from Artificial Selection where humans breed animals and plants to bring out certain characteristics.
Yes, but Darwin's explanation of the origin of the range of species does not include artificial selection because it has not been operating for long enough to explain the range of life that we see.
Darwin was an agnostic and did not disbelieve in intelligent direction to evolution or in active adaptations to the environment.
And yet his own writings make clear that he was unsettled by the implication of his work, which was that there was no guiding hand at work, and how that would be taken by the general populace.
It is Neo-Darwinism (promoted by Wallace & others) that proposes random variations and NS as the sole mechanisms for evolution....and which therefore discredits Lamarckism.
No, it's the evidence which both supports 'Darwinism', and the neo-Darwinian view of evolution, and which discredits Lamarck's hypotheses.
In the light of epigenetics...the mechanism for a Neo-Lamarckian evolution theory is opened up.
Epigenetics does not operate on anything like the scale that Lamarck was suggesting - to call it neo-Lamarckian is to clutch at old straws. Why not just call it epigenetics, as the people who study it do, given the differences?
We don't have to keep on and on about Giraffe's necks and circumcision.
Unfortunately we do. There are powerful, well-funded movements out there that deny evolution of any sort occurs. We still have to win that fight. Talking about epigenetics, which is still poorly understood by the experts, is to introduce ignorance into a debate which needs clarity.
We need to move forward with this new knowledge.
Yes, we do, but we also need to move forward with the old arguments, given that there are still some people that haven't accepted the reality of them.
3. About how the communication is passed on between organisms and the environment, please refer to my thread on 'Interconnection'. There obviously is some sort of a communication going on all around. For this, the ancient idea of a biofield can be considered as a possibility.
There are various feedback mechanisms at work in nature between organisms and their surroundings - the biofield does not appear to be one of them.
For objective purposes this is a conjecture....but needs to be taken seriously for further research. Saying....'ok..prove it!' ....is a juvenile stand to take.
Rupert Sheldrake has already been proposing this for some time, and each and every single one of his experiments has either shown nothing or been refused funding because it is poorly designed.
When someone proposes Dark Matter or Dark Energy or String....no one says ..'ok..prove it!'.
On the contrary, that's pretty much the current focus of cosmologists and particle physicists around the world.
The task of proving is taken up by multiple people around the world who work for decades and eventually may or may not actually 'prove it'. A similar attitude is to be taken for the biofield also.
No, that's not the case. We have evidence that something is causing acceleration of the expansion of the universe - we have labelled this 'Dark Matter/Energy', and now we're trying to demonstrate what it might be and how it might operate: we're seeking to explain and observed phenomenon which currently does not have an explanation. The Biofield doesn't explain anything that doesn't already have a perfectly sufficient explanation - there are no unexplained phenomena that require something more than the cyclic nature of chemical and physical properties through biomes.
It is not a God proposal to be relegated to the woo category immediately.
No, it's a woo proposal that requires justification before it will be taken seriously.
As far as the subjective experience of the biofield is concerned....millions of people around the world can and do sense the biofield.
Millions of people around the world can sense angels, gods, ghosts and the presence of water: all of these, when tested, provide no supporting evidence. Why is this biofield idea any different?
I can too.
You think you can.
Some people think they can sense Allah. Other people think they can sense God. They can't both be right - indeed at least one group MUST be wrong - but they could both be wrong.
People's impressions of what they can 'sense' is fallible, moreso when what they sense isn't sensed using any of the conventional, well-established, well-documented human sensory mechanisms.
[quote[And its not a magical or supernatural experience. Its just a simple case of being sensitive and focused. Like we can't normally sense certain things like minute sounds or subtle flavours & smells or other sensations... but if we are focused and manage to train ourselves we can sense them. Sensing the biofield is similar to that.[/quote]
Then you'll be able to replicate the measurements with mechanical equipment of course - until someone does that, all you have is an unsubstantiated claim.