When are you going to get it through your blind hatred that this is the very reason why it is called FAITH!
Because there is no evidence - only belief and faith in that belief.
This is not going to change just because you keep saying the same thing over and over again, any more than I am going back to Christianity because Hope, Ad_O, Sassy etc keep repeating the same thing - you will not turn me atheist for the very same reason.
In a way, though, your 'faith' or 'belief', or whatever it is still shows that you need some invisible something behind the world as it is (as Shaker says, no need to call it the 'natural' world), , and that you have one , imagined, layer between you and reality. Why is that, do you think?
Reality, that is, as it is seen as clearly as it can be by scientists etc who study it, and by all those, since the very earliest atheist - oh, how I'd love to have met him/her - probably the latter!! - who knew there was no invisible something.
#152 'pagan deities'? Surely this should be 'imagined' deities? And by the way, this is not a 'dig' at you, I have been intending to write this thought at pagans in general for some time.