Christianity from its beginning was pacifict whereas Mohammed spread his religion with the sword. And yet again, what has burning heretics have to do with Orthodoxy or even pre-schism Rome?
Whether or not christianity aimed at being a non violent religion it, like most other religions, completely failed to achieve that pacifist aim and it and its adherents have been involved in countless acts of religiously motivated violence over the centuries. And this isn't just from centuries ago.
Don't forget that it was orthodox christians who perpetrated the most recent genocide on european soil, just 20 years ago in Serbia and Bosnia. And before you claim that this had nothing to do with the church, think again - the church were willing cheerleader to the ethnic cleansing - indeed Metropolitan Nikolaj, the primate of the Orthodox Church in Bosnia, proclaimed at Easter 1993 that those who accepted the leadership of Karadžić and Mladić were 'following the difficult road of Christ.'
While the murderous leaders regularly made it clear that their plans were religiously motivated:
Mladić stated that the problem of Bosnia would be solved if only the Muslims would convert to Orthodoxy.
Karadžić declared in 1994, 'Our faith is present in all our thinking and decisions, and the voice of the Church is obeyed as the voice of supreme authority'.
Karadžić proclaimed at a rally, 'Tonight even God is a Serb!'