It's what the people want...a reflection of the priorities of the demographic that voted for him. Older, white males who believe his promises of jobs and a brighter economic future for themselves and their kids, and who didn't want to vote for the Establishment that they blame for their current situation.
Indeed. Bring back manufacturing. Do these older, white males realise the levels of wages they must endure for their products to be commercially attractive? Or do they believe that customers will pay anything for the satisfaction of home-produced goods? Or the potential damage to the environment of re-opening the coal mines?
Will they be prepared to perform the low-skilled and low-paid jobs that Mexicans (behind the high wall) and other non-Americans used to do?
Are the members of this demographic, relatively uneducated, possessing out-dated skills, really helping to "make America great" by electing an inexperienced politician, not very successful businessman, who will also be the oldest elected first-term president in American history?
I suspect that they are creating a president from their nostalgic fantasies, and - because of their age - they will have passed into history when their offspring and descendants will be engaged in the long process of righting his catastrophic errors.
The future should be concerned with creating opportunities for the young, not turning America into some kind of fantasy-land theme park for for yesterday's discontents.