Dear Gabriella and ProfDavey,
Sorry to butt in, and I am thoroughly enjoying your discussion, but I have been trying to use my own thought processes regarding how I come to conclusions over subject such as environmentalism.
My Christianity ( it is never far from my thoughts ) I think, always sends me to the root cause, on trying to choose which party I would vote for, it is always a "what would Jesus do" question.
I don't physical think "what would Jesus do" but words like greed, poverty, injustice all spring to mind and they are all there because of my faith.
If you are serious about your faith then I think it underlines all of your thought processes, ingrained even indoctrinated.
Take the Green party, I am lukewarm regarding their policies, I am all for saving the whale and the rain forests, but on thinking about those subjects I always ask, what is the root cause, greed, greed is a sin.
When I think about ethical issues it always comes down to the "what would Jesus do" question.
Anyway, just my tuppence worth, I enjoyed your little debate, it got my old grey cells turning.