So the resurrected will be born anew, as if babies. Presumably therefore with no memories to even out any difference between a 90 year old, who lived a full Christian life and an infant who died in child birth.
Let’s examine the consequences of this idea.
The resurrected will be pure spirit unable to feel pain, sadness, etc. This scuppers the idea that they will consider heaven a reward for a life lived by the example of Christ. The sprit will simply be unaware of what happened before it’s death. It also scuppers the idea (oft suggested by Cof E vicars at least) that the resurrected will be reunited with their pre deceased loved ones, they simply won’t remember each other.
The resurrected will have no memorys. Can they create new ones If they are unable to feel pain, sadness, etc.? And if they have no physical body to experience touch, make noise, hear sound etc. What will they have to build their new memories on?
It doesn’t seem to me that there would be much advantage to being in heaven.
You would be better off going to Hell, perhaps there you could keep your memory to understand why you are being punished and your ability to feel as well too, so you can feel the heat!!! If they cannot again W.T.F.P.
And these are the terrors we put into the minds of young Christian children to control them!.