It is only spectacularly successful within that range of reality that it relates to. There is sufficient evidence to suggest that this isn't the sole aspect of reality.
The problem with this argument is that - has been said in previous threads - evidence of the sort you believe in is necessarily physical, and therefore any other evidence doesn't fit your parameters. As I've said before, the problem with the discussions on this and other boards is that protaganists come to the debate with all-but exclusive understandings of life.
The evidence for our reality is plentiful, if you want us to seriously consider your deity then you'll need to bring empirical evidence to the discussion. Strangely, you have as much difficulty doing this as an Australian Aborigine would in providing evidence that the Dreamtime Snake was for real.
You say there is another way of looking at reality....... please share with us just what has to be done to measure this realm. How do we observe it and where is the evidence for it?
Science is the investigation of the universe using observation and reason. What we have with science is trust and expectation based on a long and brilliantly successful career of explaining and predicting nature. Science has been so incredibly successful in this area that we expect it to continue succeeding.
Religion, by contrast, has a history of failure. Where are your religion's successes with physical reality? You've got a flat earth with four corners under a dome with a stationary earth orbited by a sun. You have, quite possibly, a ratio of three for Pi. You've got cud chewing rabbits, giants, dragons, witches cockatrices and unicorns. You've got people with lifespans that run to the best part of a thousand years. You've got a talking snake and donkey and a woman who was turned into a pillar of salt.
Then of course there's a flood that covers the entire earth and a boat that carried every single species of animal. You've got people coming back from the dead (thousands of them). You've got a guy walking on water, turning water into wine and calming a stormy sea water and another guy being swallowed by a big fish and living to tell the tale. You can even genetically modify goats by floating bits of tree bark in water.
I nearly forgot to mention the demons - making people sick and causing mayhem.
It's a world full of miracle workers, magic and visions where apparently man is beset by the forces of evil arrayed against him by the greatest super villain in the universe.
So, I'm sure you'll excuse me for expressing a slight bias in favour of the scientific method.