Hi everyone,
Here is a CNN article about Trump's small hands and the related implication about ..'other parts' being small.
Republican candidate Marco Rubio wandered into a recent debate perhaps more fitting for the playground than a political battleground when he criticized the size of Donald Trump's hands. The Republican front runner, now famously, struck back in the debate reassuring voters that there was "no problem" with the size of his hands, or anything else for that matter.
The candidates were playing off an age-old assumption that if a man's hands were small so must be the size of his penis. The source of Rubio's comment refers back to a 1988 Spy magazine article that called Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian," perhaps insulting both his tongue and his manhood.
As a medical story, this is low-hanging fruit, so to speak, but given the pervasiveness of the myth (or reality), we decided to investigate what the science says on the matter.
If a man's ring finger is longer relative to his index finger, chances are his penis is slightly longer than average. By "slightly" we mean a difference of centimeters, in a game normally scored by inches.
Are you wondering why in the world scientists would study this phenomenon? Scientists want to know more about reproductive development in general. And urologists also say it's common for young male patients to come to them concerned about their penis size. Knowing the average length of a penis and about penis development in general can help reassure patients.