Death, disease and accidents ... could this God character have constructed a universe without these things?
He did, but YOU man, invited Satan into the equation and you handed yourself, your life and destiny over to someone who loves to see you suffer.
Now the bible is clear. You like Adam the first man always blame your own failings on someone else.
12 And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.
Ever since man has never owned up to his own failings and being the cause of the suffering for all mankind.
The truth is in Gods garden of Eden and the World it was all SAFE till Adam ate that fruit.
God put's us right with him through faith and even that you cannot get right as a man.
So why are you so surprised that you deliberately ignore the fact you and YOU alone are responsible for your own destiny.
Like Adam, you have a choice to obey God and live or ignore him and die.
What is it with men not taking responsibility for their own actions or believing that they can ignore the truth and it will go away.
You live with the consqeuences of your actions. If you get into a car drunk and kill someone. Whose fault is the accident?
A force of nature is not an accident it is the earth in it's fallen state,. BUT you think that you somehow have an argument.
God made a good world and everything good. Read Genesis chapters 1-3. But man disobeyed and made it what it is today.
So instead of complaining about God look in the mirror. Your ancestors chose for you today and you keep on ignoring the fact you live the life you choose.