Parroting SASS ALAN BURNS said.
"There has to be some ultimate source of existence in order for anything to exist. And this ultimate source of existence is God."
Yep Alan I get it. I got it when Sass said it.
Now once again try to respond to a very simple question.... "If you cannot have ANYTHING unless God created it, That must apply to God also so you cannot have God unless something created him. You cannot posit one claim without acknowledging the other. SO WHO MADE GOD".
Why does it have to apply to God, john, if he is the ultimate source? You might as well ask where the mass that triggered the energy to initiate the Big Bang came from. Perhaps you would be so good as to answer
that 'simple' question.
By the way, I found your use of 'simple question' in your post quite amusing. The nature of the origins of life and everything is anything BUT simple. Ask your friendly physicists, astrophysicists, cosmologists, astroomers, ...., ...., .. .