No he/she/it doesn't - the issue is an experiential one - you and I may experience the same things but conclude differently. For you they are all evidence of god, for me none are, yet we may be experiencing the same thing. Which is further evidence that god is just a 'true for you' rather than a true.
But you are bias against the truth of experience from the get go.
However the logical end of your argument i.e. psychological incompetence has ramifications for knowing anything.
There is a linguistic framework which describes the experience.
I am sure we all experience God all the time as we are experiencing much that classical naturalism offers no explanation for however the experience of God at conversion, encounter and response, is obviously not experienced all the time.
God however is found in cosmology, moral philosophy and general philosophy and you would be foolish to deny that and I'm afraid it is that which threatens the cosy consumerist ''true for you'' schtick.