Blue, because you are on a different 'channel' to Vlad.... you'll never see it his way.
That's true, inasmuch as my "wavelength" involves sifting with reason and logic the more probably true from the more probably not true.
Trollboy's wavelength on the other hand has no interest in those things - he just asserts as true whatever makes sense to him but is entirely indifferent to any sort of logical underpinning for it. Occasionally he'll allude vaguely to a "philosophical framework" he finds persuasive but he'll never tell us what it is, and then it's all relentless lying to redefine terms to suit his purpose, to mis-label the rest of us with positions of his own invention, to keep pushing at an open door that anything might be without ever even trying to get from a might be to an is, and to throw abuse at people who rightly find him to be both mendacious and ludicrous.
And that sadly ain't about to change any time soon I think.