I could forward any questions on to him if you like.
However, I don't see what the issue is there are loads of people who claim to experience God but don't accept a Divine Jesus. Why is your experience valid but theirs not?
But I think the next question is how these beliefs are held.
I would be interested to know from your friend how his belief that Jesus is not divine differs from an atheist's view that he is not divine or as you point out anybody who doesn't believe he is divine.
Does he hold it philosophically, or intellectually or out of respect for the faith of his fathers, or was it revealed to him directly by God or one of his agents, which agent and how was the message transmitted if that is the case and indeed received......or indeed any combination or all of these?
If you could pass that onto him that would move us on.
I confess to being a bit surprised that you haven't broached these questions of him.