I am not saying what he taught you are, and you are off on a whole No True Scotsman fallacy. There are plenty of people who have said they follow JC who argue his teachings allow them to do things you think are bad. Why are you right? And if his teachings 'inspired' them to do wrong as you see it how can you say they are wrong without falling into the No True Scotsman fallacy?
I can only give my answer, as I see it.
I don't really see that Jesus taught anything that allowed the Spanish Inquisition or the crusades for example.
It's not the one true Scotsman fallacy because I accept others interpret the teachings in the bible differently and I'm not saying it because I'm a Christian.
Jesus, the human being, taught things that were quite pacifist really, turning the other cheek etc.
If you want to murder and kill others or keep slaves, you have to dig into the OT to do it.
A Christian who justifies bad actions in Jesus name, usually doesn't use Jesus at all, but the OT.
The only way I see Jesus as responsible, is based on his
teachings only.
Just like I consider Mohammed totally responsible for what he taught.
You have Jesus the person, and Mohammed the person.
I see Jesus as a lot more peaceful than I see Mohammed.
I have the same sources as everyone else, no one has to be a believer in anything.
Jesus taught turning the other cheek, Mohammed didn't. Mohammed's teachings seemed to be more about honour and was more warlike.
IMO Both are responsible for the things that they actually taught not for the accumulated crap that was attached to the religion.
If I chose to murder someone, in the name of Nearly Sane, you are not responsible for it, just because I use your name, unless you are shown to have been implicated or taught something that reasonably caused it to happen.
I don't think the teachings of Jesus, teach atrocities, and I don't see him as having any more control of what happened after his death, than you or I.