So someone who regards being gay as a disorder tells another poster, in the context of homosexuality not illness, that they should perhaps see a doctor, and they're being misinterpreted? Really?
Old Christianity has an ideal veiw of a designed nature where there is only one true purpose, and body parts have a proper
use and an
improper use.
Things that fall outside that would be considered as abnormal and as a disorder which may require medical help.
By medical help it also includes help from a Psychatrist as it would be considered a mental disorder.
Some Christians have a narrower view of what Gods design is.
Others are wide enough to include homosexuals without judgement.
It depends on the Christian.
But this idea that the human body and life ( children and sex within marriage only etc) is persistent.
I think Hope is just trying to explain that.
I'm not totally sure where he fits tbh.
I know I have come across a number of Christians who believe God has created a perfect path for them to live God based lives, which means they have to do things like marry, have a family within that, and they have to live set roles for men and women.
I'm going to add the above is not my POV, just an observation.