pushing this onto God makes no difference unless in your opinion your god is wrong. Since it isn't and since you have openly posted it, you agree that homosexual activity is as wrong as murder. I will change that record when you realise that you are homophobic.
I happen to believe what God teaches about homosexual relationships throughout the Bible - why would he teach it otherwise. With my 'Christian' hat on, I don't believe that grading crimes is of any eternal value; 'sin' is 'sin', full stop. As a human being, however, I understand the need for society to grade them so that they can be punished appropriately and for the protection of society Your view that holding such diverse understandings is tantamount to insanity (no apologies for the pun) is to miss the point. From my understanding of the Bible, homosexual relationships are no different to lying, fraud, greed, selfishness, adultery and a host of other sins, which obviously include actions such as murder and rape. Your cherry-picking the reference to murder (or rape) is simply a way of trying (less than successfully) to make Biblical teaching (not me) out to be irrelevant. You are entitled to believe this to be so, but it doesn't mean that you are necessarily correct.
As to the 'ill,, disordered, diseased' part, we have already seen that you implied Trent was ill, ...
In the same way that Jesus compared those who are ill to those who he was here to work with and save. I appreciate that some here find the concept of metaphor, or parable, of comparison difficult to cope with, but it is a fairly common aspect of language and culture, and probably more so of the Jewish culture than of ours.