In the USA reports are already appearing that show that gay marriage improves the stability of and longevity of (particularly) male partnerships. So by trying to ban it - you are actually working against the very thing you claim you think should happen. That is, more stable relationships, which are better for society.
Hope's Pink News link (don't tell me this is an example of the "scientific material" he was going on about yesterday
) was actually about the proportion of gay men who have open relationships, rather than unstable relationships. I know of no evidence to say that an open relationship is any more (or less) stable than an exclusive one; I know of a couple (of opposite sexes, plus daughter) who are still very happily married in an open marriage now of twenty-plus years.
In any case, whether stable or unstable I generally regard relationships as being the exclusive business of those (of whatever number) who are actually in them. Hope's link, you'll recall, was posted with the intention of demonstrating "damage to society." This claim remains unproven, of course. A link showing the proportion of those surveyed who have or have had open relationships is a link to precisely and exactly that - a link showing the proportion of those surveyed who have or have had open relationships, no more, no less.
Obviously Hope wants to get from this to "damage to society," but for some reason he neglected to show his working. It is a simple matter of basic statistics that given the numerical disparity between the heterosexual section of society and the homosexual section there will be vastly many more open relationships amongst the hets than amongst the stately homos of England. If Hope considers open relationships to be damaging to society, the lion's share of that damage must therefore come from heterosexuals.
We will wait a long, long,
long time for him to devote anything like as much time to this as he does to teh gaiz.
Oh and btw - all the above things can and do apply to married heterosexuals as well.
But let's not talk about that